Ranking The WWE Legends Figures Part 2


Not sure if you all read the first part of this series, I guess if no one is interested I may as well just stop doing the blogs altogether.

Anyway, incase there is anyone interested in what I have to say, here is part 2 of my blogs ranking all the WWE legends series figures. In part one I covered sets 1-3, today I will carry on with the Toys R Us exclusive 2-packs and the 4th/5th sets.

So here we go, yes, TRU back in the day had the exclusive rights to sell the set of 4 tag teams that came under the WWE Legends series line. These teams were 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper & 'Cowboy' Bob Orton, The Bushwhackers, The Rockers and The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff.

This series saw the ONLY Marty Jannetty figure from Mattel, this alone makes it stand out. It also was until very recently, the only set of Bushwhackers elite figures, they came out with extra 'Doink' heads in the last Survivor Series set. We have had a good amount of Piper figures however, the face scan on this was quite bad, from Mattel, Elite, Ultimate Edition as well as basics, Orton had a figure released in a later Legends series which will be covered later if this series of blogs is carried on of course. Much the same is Volkoff, after this one he had a figure in another Legends line, there have been a good amount of Iron Sheik Elites, they always look different and great.

So, onto the rankings.....

4. Piper & Orton
3. Sheik & Volkoff
2. The Bushwhackers
1. The Rockers

Back to the regular line of the Legends series starting with series 4.

In this set we had 6 figures and they consisted of Demolition (Ax & Smash), Hillbilly Jim, 'Mr Wonderful' Paul Orndorff, George 'The Animal' Steele & The Ultimate Warrior.

The Demolition figures are very much sort after, they are just excellent so it is easy to believe why, in this time of re releases from Mattel, people want Demolition figures, of course, like many, they don't have deals with the WWE/Mattel and that may never happen, great figures and they should be in any serious collection. The Hillbilly Jim was the figure from this series I struggled to get the most, great figure from a beloved character if you watched the WWF, as it was then, in about 1985-87. The Orndorff figure, complete with blue/silver robe is decent, not tremendous but decent, like Orton and Volkoff, he had a figure released in a later line. George Steele, much like Hillbilly Jim, was a beloved character, strange but beloved. He of course played apart in one of the greatest Wrestle Mania matches ever, the Intercontinental match between 'Macho Man' Randy Savage & Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat at WM III in 1987. And the final figure in this set is the Ultimate Warrior, I believe it's based on his look from Summer Slam 88 where he was the surprise opponent for the Honky Tonk Man, Warrior blasted to the ring and ran over HTM to win his first IC title, like with Mr Perfect previously, this figure came with the IC title.

My rankings........

6. The Ultimate Warrior
5. Paul Orndorff
4. George Steele
3. Hillbilly Jim
2. Smash
1. Ax

Series 5

Absolute banger of a set this one, some real sought after figures in this one. In this we got 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, Rick 'the Model' Martel, Bam Bam Bigelow and Akeem. Yes, just the 4 in this series but as I said, some absolute bangers. The Martel and Akeem figures are some very sought after figures, you can find them every now and then but usually with accessories missing, much like with demolition, I think collectors really would like these to be re released, especially Martel. The Bigelow in this set did get a re release, I think it was in the Greatest Hits line. My favourite figure of all time is in the Legends line, not in this set but Martel is a close second, I think.

4. Bam Bam Bigelow
3 .Randy Savage
2. Akeem
1. Rick Martel

That's it then guys, on the next one I will be back with series 6, the last set before they were halted and the Matty Collector figures too.

Thanks for reading, please give me your thoughts and if you can, share this with other wrestling figure collectors, that would be appreciated, thanks.

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