My Top 5 Coliseum Collection Figures

Some people have them already but most of us should have them sometime in February, I’m talking of course of the sixth wave in the Mattel Creations/Amazon Coliseum Collection and these will be Bam Bam Bigelow and the Big Boss Man. As I said, I don’t have them yet and even if I did, I can’t say any of them would definitely make this list but it’s hard to say right now without having them in hand.

So, with that said, let me give you my top 5 Coliseum Collection figures we have had so far, don’t forget, the list is not wrong as it’s my list, feel free to hit me up on X or Instagram (@WrestleFigsUK) or whatever Facebook page you may see this shared.

5. Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat 

This figure came out in the last wave and although pretty plain in its presentation over all it’s a very good figure. The head scans on it are way better than those that came on his Elite figures. Any long time collectors will know after his LJN and Hasbro figures that was it until deep into the Mattel line as despite many series in the JAKKS Classic Superstars lines we never got Steamboat as he never had a deal with them/WWE.

4. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts

Roberts is a character we have had quite a bit in the Mattel line, he has had many Elites, in fact, as you will all know, Mattel brought back the ‘Legends’ series and Roberts has featured not once but twice in that line since its return and in fact, on both occasions, it was the chase figure so we have had 4 different figures in the Legends line since it came back to go along with his original Legends one and the others he’s had in other Mattel series and I must say, none have disappointed either.

3. ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper

This Piper figure is very good, better than any of his Elites I’d say but just falls short as his best Ultimate Edition. Although it’s from a different era, I do prefer the one that came out in the Monday Night Wars line but this one based on his mid-80’s look is exceptional in its own way. Piper as the antagonist to Hulk Hogan in that time was a much hated individual, different times of course but Piper knew what buttons to press and was very good at doing it. I think a lot of the success of the WWF back then, along with McMahon and Hogan has to go down to Piper too in my opinion.

2. ‘Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBease 

I am guessing many of you will have this figure at the pinnacle of your lists and I wouldn’t blame you one bit, it is an outstanding piece of work by the crew at Mattel and was very close to being my number one. We’ve had a good amount of figures of DiBease from Mattel but in Elite form I think it’s just the one in wrestling attire, the other 4, like with Roberts, were in the Legends series and all in suits. Now this one is in a suit of course, which looks amazing by the way, but it can be removed. We have had a DiBease figure from Mattel previously but that was in the original ‘Entrance Greats’ series and unlike when that line came back for a while, was a basic figure.

Very good this DiBease, a must for any serious collector.

1. Hulk Hogan

Yes, Hogan tops this list and he tops my top 10 Ultimate Edition figure lists too, not this Hogan though. Yes, it was very close between this one and DiBease, I have a bit of a soft spot for Hogan figures, my very first ever wrestling figure, if it’s classed as one, was a Hogan one, it was a thumb wrestler, came in a pack with an Iron Sheik one. I collect all Hogan Elites/Ultimates and even a couple of basics. 

Maybe if this Hogan would’ve been in his traditional red/yellow it may not have been in the top spot but the difference in this one makes it stand out for me and is why it is.

At least one figure from the five sets we have had so far features in the list except the Hart Foundation, none of them were close to this list if I’m honest.

Let me have your lists guys, thanks for reading, all the best, Stu


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