We Are Getting Classic UE Steiner Brother Figures

Last night we saw images of a new Ringside Exclusive Ultimate Edition set, it would be remiss of me not to cover it here so let's talk about it.......we are FINALLY getting classic Steiner Brothers figures, all the images are here in the blog, I am sure you have seen them already but they are there for reference.

Ever since the Steiners went into the Hall of Fame I, and I imagine, many of you have been wanting Steiner brothers figures from Mattel either in the Elite of UE lines. I may be off with the timeline but I think maybe the first Steiner figure we saw from Mattel was in the reveal of the Nitro stage set, of course that didn't get funded in the end but one of the figures that were shown that would've come with the stage if fully funded was a WCW Scott Steiner during his solo run. I will admit, I wasn't blown away by the images at the time but it would've been the first Steiner figure, of any kind in the Mattel line. I'll admit, I didn't back the stage, I would not have had the space to display it but of course, I wanted all the UE figures that would have come with the fully funded stage but that would have been some what of a pipe dream to have picked them up on the secondary market but I would've tried. Mattel have released 3 rings with UE figures, I did purchase the first, the New Gen one, this was just to get the 3 figures that came with it (Diesel, Doink & Randy Savage) but the ring has never been out the box, let alone set up, once again, due to space restrictions. The RAW one was next, that came with an amazing Kane figure, that I was able to pick up on the secondary market and the third was a Nitro ring, which was a interesting one as that stage didn't come out but anyway, that ring came with an Eric Bischoff UE figure, took me a while but I was able to pick that figure up too, wasn't cheap but I had to have it. 

Nitro stage Scott Steiner Ultimate Edition

Anyway, back to the Steiners, the first one we got of either brother was Rick Steiner and that was released in Elite series 104, I do like the figure, very much in fact, again, based on a solo run, comes with a ring jacket that looks great but I don't like how the figure (mainly the legs) look when he has the jacket on so although buried in my display, I have mine on show without the jacket. Really good figure. 

Elite 104 Rick Steiner

In series 105 we got our first Scott Steiner, once again, it was a solo run, I'd say, based on his brief time in the WWE complete with rubber chainmail headpiece, good figure, I think I prefer the Rick just a little more though.

Elite 105 Scott Steiner

Now, Rick was embroiled in a bit of controversy at  a convention many months ago, I won't go into it here, many will be aware but if not, you could always google it if you're interested. I did think this would mean we would not see figures again from Mattel of the Steiners, especially Rick and then I saw other toy companies releasing figures of them so I thought that was a shoe-in but then, as we lead up to the 2024 San Diego Comic Con, these images dropped. I won't lie, as much as I am glad we have UE figures of them and classic 80's/early 90's ones at that they just don't look right, especially the legs on Rick. Now, I'll be 100% be picking these up, I mean, if I didn't pick up figures because they have issues with them then my collection would be a hell of a lot smaller.

What do you think about them, happy with how they look, you picking them up?

Thanks for reading, please check out my links HERE

All the best, Stu


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