Cody Rhodes Figures Since His Return to WWE

Since his return back to the WWE, Cody Rhodes has had a number of figures, I have a number of them, just yesterday I received one, more on that shortly. So this blog won't be one of my Top 5 lists but just a talk about what we have had in the Elite/Ultimate Edition lines and giving some thoughts. Of course, he has had some basics too but for the most, I don't collect basics or Main Event, figures as they are now known, I do pick the odd one up here and there but it is not a common occurrence.

So, hopefully I get the order correct, I'll say it now, if I get it wrong, it's not important......

We had a Mattel Creations Ultimate Edition, was a made to order one, well, at least I think that's how it was pushed, so you pay up and they sit on your money for months but, unlike with pre orders you would get from sellers like Ringside Collectables, with Mattel Creations, it makes me think, if I don't jump in and give them my money I may miss out on something, and most of the time I will do this with Mattel Creations but not all, things that spring to mind are the last two UE rings with exclusive figures (Kane with the RAW one and Eric Bischoff with the Nitro one) and I did, as sad as it may sound, get a bit anxious, that I may not be able to get those figures which I really wanted as I collect all male UE figures, whether I think they look good or not but I have been able to pick up both down the line from various sellers so that has made me happy, the Kane is so good, especially with the right head on. Anyway, as I do, gone right off track there. When we finally got the UE Cody Rhodes from Mattel Creations many of us liked the figure but were let down by the soft goods ring jacket, it just didn't work, not at all, it was poor if I am honest. JazzWares, who produce figures for AEW, brought out a line called 'Supreme' and I don't own any of these but the reason I bring this up is because they released one of Cody but they gave the figure a hard rubber jacket, with removeable arms so you can display him in or out of the jacket. Many who have both say that the JazzWares one is better, if you have both, let me know what you think.

Mattel Creations Ultimate Edition

His first Elite figure upon his return was in series 101, at the time I didn't want to pick it up, didn't think much of the head scan so thought I'd give it a miss. This is the figure I was referring to earlier, I did buy it eventually and received it yesterday. I had seen it on the secondary market going for prices I thought were a bit out there if I'm honest, even more MOC. I still don't overly rate the head scan but as it was for a decent price I thought I'd pick it up.

Elite 101

The first Elite I ordered new was his first 'Top Picks' one, it's pictured here below. Decent figure, head is probably the same but overall, it's OK. He has since had another 'Top Picks' one released that I don't have, the one wearing red tights, I am trying to pick that one up if I can get it for a decent price.

Top Picks #1

Top Picks #2

Many moons ago, Mattel had a series called 'Defining Moments' other than Ultimate Warrior exclusive/very rare ones, I have all the figures in that line and I think it was at Wrestle Mania 39 weekend when Mattel announced that they were bringing the series back, not as a regular wave but in a set of 4 once a year and in the first set, that was set to be available as a Ringside Collectables exclusive and Cody Rhodes featured and the figure was based on a match he had with Seth Rollins, I believe it was a Hell in A Cell match and very early on  Cody got injured and his chest/tricep got all bruised and this figure depicts that look, with bruise. Another figure that goes for a high price on the after market. I bought the set from an independent seller here in the UK, as I collected all the previous DM figures I wanted to grab these, if I am honest, if I didn't want all 4 to carry on completing the DM series I may not have picked this one or the Mankind that came in the set, I would've grabbed the Bret Hart (based on WM VIII) because I collect all of his Elite/Ultimate Edition figures but the main one I wanted, which I had wanted for years (and like Bret, I collect all his Elite/UE figures too, was the Shawn Michaels figure based on his look from Royal Rumble 1997.

Defining Moments

While Rhodes was in AEW, JazzWares released a lot of figures of him wearing suits and just recently, Mattel have dipped their toes into releasing a Cody in a suit, I think it's Elite set 109, hasn't yet hit retail here in the UK, will not be one I will be picking up regardless. One thing on it though from what I have read, they have done a running change with the crotch piece, they had introduced a new type but on this suited Cody, at first, it had the old type.

Elite 109

And his final figure in the Elite/UE series' is the recent UE one where they didn't repeat the mistake of the Mattel Creations one, although it may have been cool if they would have tried to do it again but worked on it a bit more, they did what basically JazzWares did with their Supreme and what Mattel have also done previously, gave Cody a rubber jacket with removable arms so you can display with in his ring gear if you like.

Ultimate Edition 21

There will no doubt be countless Cody figures, there is a cross over figure with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line and normally I wouldn't bother but the Cody one looks quite cool so I may try and grab that one.


I heard on a video the other day, I think it may have been a Kyle Peterson one, but apparently since his return, Cody hasn't been scanned for figures so hopefully that's coming soon because we need some new Cody head scans, that's for sure.

What are your favourite Cody WWE/Mattel figures since he has returned?

Let me know in the comments wherever you see this blog.

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