New images have surfaced of the next wave of Monday Night War Ultimate Edition figures. We are still waiting for the first wave to hit, there are some people over in the US who have one or both of them but the majority haven't as of yet and I haven't heard of any one here in the UK having any of them yet. Although it's great we are getting the Elite figures of the MNW series, for now at least, we know Mattel ended the short deal that saw the Legends figures come over here, we won't be getting the UE's via Smyths and that came from Steve Ozer of Mattel directly to me on Instagram the other day so now we'll have to wait for the independent sellers to get them in, if they can, and then we'll have to purchase the figures off them but this will come at a higher cost of course, such is life.

Quickly sticking with the Elites, Smyths have put up the second wave of the MNW figures, no option to buy yet but hopefully not too long. Also, yesterday images came out of some of the figures in wave 3, these being The Rock, Harlem Heat and Rob Van Dam, something seems off with the RVD, judge for yourself. I believe the chases, and yes, plural as I think it's Harlem Heat in blue attire and the BAF is, well, it was set to be The Disciple (this was one of Ed Leslie's many gimmicks in WCW, you may remember him as Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake in the WWF) but no images have been shown of him as an actual figure so it may have changed or they just don't have it ready yet. Personally, I think wave 3 is the worst of the 3, Disciple was never anyone's favourite character but might be cool to have him but the others just don't excite me as a collector, who do you guys feel about the third wave in the Elite line in the Monday Night Wars? Let me know.
Monday Night Wars Wave 3 The Rock |
Monday Night Wars Wave 3 Booker T |
Monday Night Wars Wave 3 Stevie Ray |
Monday Night Wars Wave 3 Rob Van Damn |
So, the Ultimate's in wave 2 are Eddie Guerrero (WCW) and Mankind (WWF) both look very good and the torso on Eddie, although he was smaller back in them days anyway, looks much more better than the one on the first Ultimate Edition of him was, to be frank, ridiculous, but this one looks better as you can see.
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