Mattel Creations Recent Reveals

So we had the Mattel Creations reveals yesterday, I didn't see it live and I haven't seen the video since but have seen the screen shots but we'll get to those shortly.

Firstly, although we didn't expect to see a prototype of the figure we did expect to see the CM Punk figure based on his return last year to go up for pre-order but it on Thursday I believe it was, they announced they were delaying even putting it up for pre-order to April 7th now I believe. I understand sometimes they delay releasing things due to issues at the factories etc but delaying letting a pre-order go live was a weird one for me especially as we know it's a made-to-order figure, I mean, when we do order it it's going to be quite a while before we see it, could be as much as a year

Anyway, regarding that figure, are you thinking of ordering it? At first, when I realised it was an Elite rather than an Ultimate Edition, I thought I wouldn't bother as it was street clothes but then I thought, figures in wrestling gear will come in the future and I do have, albeit older style, figures of him in wrestling gear. So as it's his first figure since his return I have decided I will buy one, well, then I thought, as it has 2 different shirts I might buy 2 hoping the shipping would be the same.

Terrible likeness of Steamboat on the side of the box here

Onto the reveals from Friday, going with just the Elites and Ultimate's we saw, let's talk about them Ultimate's first. They are part of the Coliseum Collection (as of writing this I still don't have my shipping notification of The last set, The Hart Foundation, hopefully that'll be soon as collectors over in the US are receiving theirs) so, this time around we were shown Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat and 'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBease. As we all know, these figures in the CC series are based on the old LJN figures of the 80's, never a line I collected, I did have some LJN thumb wrestlers (think it was Hogan & Iron Sheik) back in 1990, but that's it.

The Steamboat doesn't really have anything standout about it, just plain black tights and in the illustrations on the card it shows him wearing a jacket but this hasn't been shown in any of the loose images, hopefully it does come with one but you'd have thought they would have shown it. We have had a few Elite's of Steamboat, the first one was in the first Legends series decked in read, complete with jacket. We also had the Defining Moments one when he had all the dragon garb on from his 1991 run in the WWF. There was the Flashback series one with the white trunks/jacket based on his Wrestle Mania III look, this figure was re-released in the 'Fan Takeover' series but they may have added so '5 o'clock shadow' to his face, this is the only one of his Elite's I don't own. We got a couple based on his time in WCW, they came out in the same series, Elite 93 and his figure was the chase. Massive fan of the gear on both but not the heads, not only the scan was off for me, it seemed the heads was too big. The real good thing about these figures in were we got for the first time in the line and so far, only time in the line, a version of the TV title. I think it was the first time we had had a WCW TV title up to that point, with the Elite 100 'Stunning' Steve Austin we got the classic TV title, in fact the original one had NWA on it. So all in all, a goof looking figure even though it is a bit plain, I just hope there is a jacket included.

The DiBease does come with cloth goods. We have had 4 'Million Dollar Man' figures in the Legends line since it returned with series 7 a few years back and they are all in suits but none are cloth goods, the only cloth goods that came with any DiBease figure were in the original run of the 'Entrance Greats' but the figure was a basic one, and the more recent figure in the 'Superstars' line which I don't collect. This Coliseum Collection one does look good and an Ultimate Edition figure of DiBease is long overdue and the cloth goods are in colours we've not had before, well, we've had black of course but never topped off with the pink/purple colour lets hope it looks OK with cloth goods on the top and bottom. I'll be ordering these whenever they do go up.

Onto the Elites that were shown, there was a pack of 4, all figures we have had in the Elite line before in some form or another and they would all be categorised as legends and the pack they come in is called 'Legends of The Territory Era' with a tagline of 'Featuring Larger Than Life Superstars from The 1970's' and in this pack we will see Muhammad Ali & Gorilla Monsoon based on their Boxer vs Wrestler bout from June 1st 1976 and 'Handsome' Harley Race vs 'Superstar' Billy Graham, a 'unification' match as Race was the NWA world heavyweight champion and Graham was the WWWF heavyweight champion. Both figures come with belts, both first time in the line, Race's belt is the globe NWA title and Graham's the WWWF one of that time, their match took place on January 25th 1978. They are not characters that really blow my socks off to get in figure form but if they come in a 4 pack I will pick them up as I always like first time in the line belts and if I am honest, the Race (very much like a figure he had from JAKKS back in the day) does look very good but the belt on his robe does look a tad too long. We had a Graham in the past in the Elite line, I think it was a Collector's Edition one in series 78. A good figure, came with two heads, one based on his mid to late 80's and the other one I think may be the same one that is coming out with this Mattel Creations one.

It's only the second Monsoon one we're getting in Elite form, the first was also a Collectors Edition one and it came in Elite series 72 with him in commentator's gear, it was a very sought after figure, I was lucky to get one but I know there were many that didn't either by not being able to find one or for the fact people were asking for a lot of money for it, it is an outstanding suited figure though. We have a had a few Ali figures already I mean in the Coliseum Collection we had two, with him based on his time as a ringside referee at Wrestle Mania I and in boxing garb, there's an Elite of him in the boxing gear coming out in Legends series 22 soon too.

Thoughts on what you saw with these reveals? Let me know on X

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