Top 5 Mattel Razor Ramon Elite Figures

I have done a blog before looking at  Razor/Hall figures but I finally thought it was the time to do a Top 5 Razor Ramon Elite figures now we have just had the 5th released.

So, first off, before receiving the recent Wrestle Mania X one, I had changed the heads on all my in ring gear Ramon's using the extra heads from the two Ultimate Edition figures but the pictures you will see in this list will be as they came originally and at the end I'll post a picture of mine with head swaps and one has a boot swap too.

Onto the Top 5 list:

5. Defining Moments: This was the only Ramon Elite we had for so long, I think with the edition of the Ultimate Edition (chase) which is basically just an UE verion of this it was easy to put this one here, although my one looks way better and is probably my favourite, more on that later.

4. Flashback Series: This is the only one I won't be changing the head on in the future as it has a toothpick and that is cool I think.

3. Legends Series 7:
I remember thinking at the time it was lazy of Mattel releasing a repaint of this one but when you take it at face value, it is a good looking figure.

2. WrestleMania X: This of course is the newest Ramon figure, has a different head scan than any of the others, far from perfect, but just makes number 2 in my list.

1. RAW 30 year set: Unlike the Defining Moments one, how I have changed my version of this one influences me to put it at number 1 in the list.

So, that is my list, be sure to let me know your top 5 Elite Razor Ramon.

Check out all my links HERE

As I mentioned, I have changed 3 of my 5 Ramon Elites, nothing dramatic, head swaps and on the Defining Moments one, I have also swapped the boots so it matches his look from the famous, or is that infamous, 'Curtain Call' incident at Madison Square Garden in 1996, you can see the 4 in-ring gear ones I have below.


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