We have seen some new reveals recently, nothing mind-blowing but one figure I am really into. Yes, Mattel/WWE released images of the figures in Elite series 108. The first Elite of LA Knight is in this series, I had pre-ordered this on Smyths website a day or two before. I know his basic was very popular as I guess his character is.Also coming out in the series 108 is, well, lets just cover first the others I hope to get from this set, Omos, I didn't pick up his first Elite, it was a bit plain, this one is a tad better, another I hope to grab is Terry 'Bam Bam' Gordy. This is a two in one figure so I will be looking to grab two of them, it's a two in one because in the autumn of 1996 Gordy came in as 'The Executioner' and got involved in the Undertaker/Mankind feud and then he had short run in the company.

Gordy of course had a storied run in pro wrestling way before this, along with Michael PS Hayes and Buddy Roberts as the 'Fabulous Freebirds' they were embroiled in a famous feud with the Von erich family down in Texas. When the Freebirds were a thing in the NWA/WCW in the early 90's, Gordy and Roberts were not a part of the group, instead, Hayes was joined by Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin. A notable story involving Gordy was in 1990, he was booked to face Hulk Hogan, who at the time of the booking was WWF heavyweight champion but as many of us know, Hogan dropped the title to the Ultimate Warrior at Wrestle Mania VI that year and so, as the story I was led to believe, as Hogan wasn't the champion, Gordy didn't want to face him but, as Dave Meltzer said in a tweet to me just recently, the show was cross-promoted with AJPW and one stipulation Vince McMahon had was, when he guys faced anyone from another company they get the win and as Gordy felt he was a top guy for AJPW promoter Giant Baba, he shouldn't lose so hogan faced Stan Hansen in what turned out to be a pretty entertaining match.
To end the history lesson, in the Bill Watts booked WCW, around the 1992 he brought in Gordy along with 'Dr Death' Steve Williams as the two had been a tag team over in Japan, they were big stars over there and back then, Watts wanted to go with a more realistic style, he banned moves off the top rope, took away the mats and ringside along with other changes. The Steiner Brothers had been having big success in NJPW along with WCW and everyone wanted to see the two teams face-off against each other and for all his faults, Watts brought us that, they had some great matches there.
So, back to the figures, yes, I want to grab two of these figures so I can have one as Gordy in his traditional gear and one as The Executioner.
Also in the set is another Brock Lesnar, we just had one in the Royal Rumble set but this one has a cowboy hat and rubber, denim looking vest, people are already saying they will use it on the Monday Night Wars Scott Hall as it looks more like the one he wore on that night on Nitro, there is no way I'll be buying this Lesnar just for that vest.
We are also getting a second Elite Bronson Reed, I picked up the first, I think I'll swerve this one.
To end, the last figure, which is also the chase in the set is Chelsea Green, you all know by now, I don't collect female figures have one in my collection, Chyna to complete the DX Army and have a few others for sale) so these are definitely a miss for me.
To end, I'll quickly run through the basics they revealed, series 145 will see Ludwig Kaiser and a chase, Tiffany Stratton, Kane, Gunther & Sami Zayn and in series 146, we will have the Kevin Owens to match the Zayn, Roman Reigns, because there isn't enough of those, Bret 'Hitman' Hart and a chase, these look horrendous and the head scans, oh my, just the pits, and to round off 'Imperium' there will be a Giovanni Vinci. There will also be a Shayna Baszler to close on series 146.
Also shown was images of the re released Ultimate Editions of 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and Charlotte Flair, I don't have the Flair for reasons I have covered above and I said I wouldn't buy any of the re releases just because they have added butterfly joints (those joints on the Ric Flair Ultimate make it terrible) but, the Hogan has an updated skin tone compared to his original release which for the longest time was my favourite UE, not sure if it still is, may have to have a think about that, so I am really contemplating picking up this Hogan, maybe I'll play the long game and see if I can get one at a better price.
And sticking with UE's we have been shown images of the Rey Mysterio 'Fan Takeover'. It is based on his look when he won the Royal Rumble some years back. Not the last RR set but the one before I believe, an Elite of Mysterio came out which was the same from all accounts, this new one is just an Ultimate Edition of that with a t shirt. I think it was my last blog where I did my top 10 RR figures (read it HERE) where I broke my own rules, I never do one of these top 5 or 10 lists and feature figures I don't personally own but I put Mysterio in the list thinking I had him (it's OK, I slapped my own wrist).
OK, that's it guys, what you picking up from the reveals?
Please share this blog with other wrestling figure collectors, all the best, Stu - ALL my links can be found HERE
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