My Top 10 Royal Rumble Series Figures

I put out a tweet (or is it a post now as it's X and not twitter?) yesterday as of writing this about a certain figure in the Royal Rumble series from Mattel asking is it the best and if not, which is? So, anyone who saw that (or the post on facebook) will know what is going to be my number one in this Top 10 list but before I do I want to cover something I think I have before but it relates to this series of figures and it really annoys me. 

As we all know, most of these RR sets come with the parts to build a figure and the parts are usually spread out over the 4 figures but a couple of sets ago, Mattel released a set and were a bit crafty really, I mean I can see it from a business point of view but in a way, I can't, I just think it was crappy and, well, it got worse for us here in the UK.

So, the set I am talking about is the Dok Hendrix BAF set, it was comprised of Vader, Damien Priest, Rey Mysterio & Brie Bella. When I spoke about the parts being spread over the 4 figures and they were but where you'd normally see the head with one figure, the torso with another, the legs with another and the arms with the other one but, for this set, the Bella figure had the legs and the head and Mysterio just had hands, that was poor enough but what was worst for us here, the Bella figure didn't get a release over here so anyone who did get one either ordered them from Ringside Collectibles or on the secondary market such as eBay and on eBay right now you can see loads of the Hendrix BAF parts for sale as people couldn't get the legs/head. Real annoying, although i don't collect all BAF figures, that was one I really would have liked to complete, if you have the head/legs, and are willing to sell/trade them, get in touch.

On with the list, I will include BAF ones in the list too so be sure to give me your Top 10 too. As you will know, I only put figures I actually own in my lists so Hendrix won't feature.

10. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

People may be surprised I have included Austin in this list as Austin figures are pretty plain, well, the ones in wrestling gear are but this one had a first time scan I believe and it's also the only vest with gold lettering and logo on.

9. Rich Holland
One from the latest set this is, I can say, I have never seen him wrestle, at least under that guise, I may have seen him beforehand if he ever worked on the indies previously but I like this figure, comes with nice accessories like hat, coat, billie club type thing and face mask/protector.

8. Titus O'Neil

He was never a massive superstar and is probably more well remembered for his appearance that took place at the 'Greatest Royal Rumble' in Saudi Arabia where he face-planted and went under the ring during his entrance. As a figure though, I think it's pretty good.

7. Batista

Again, one from the latest set, I am willing to part with mine really to be honest only because I think it's very similar to another figure of his I have, the Hall of Champions one I believe. There was a while when there were no Batista figures for a while and I think he is a well-like character so I think many like when we get figures of his. I like his Ultimate edition but the one I really like is his Elite 72 one.

6. Damien Priest

This one was basically a repaint of his first Elite figure but it's very striking in white/silver. Now of course as part of the Judgement Day these colours wouldn't represent his favoured/suited look.

5. Ultimate Warrior

This one comes with 2 heads, pre and post-match but more importantly, for the first time (since been released with an Ultimate Edition) it came with the yellow strapped IC title. It was a long time coming, when his first Legends figure came out based on his WM VI look that came with a yellow strapped Winged Eagle belt which wasn't accurate to the match. I believe this Warrior was based on the look from 1990 Royal Rumble.

4. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio has had many Elites as we know, probably up there with John Cena as the character with the most Elites. I like this one as it reminds me of the attire he was wearing when he made his WWE debut.

3. Jimmy Hart

This is the first of two BAF's in the line, it was only the second Jimmy Hart we had got from Mattel and there would've been many that missed out on the first as it was in the Hall of Fame series, like this a lot, you could pair it with the Hart Foundation or Rhythm & Blues now we have the Greg Valentine figure in the Legends series.

2. Virgil

And here is the second BAF in the list, from the most recent RR set, the Million Dollar Man's former man servant Virgil, like with Hart previously, he has only had one figure from Mattel in the past and that isn't easy to come by and it wasn't like this one in wrestling gear it was in, well, not even street gear but you can google it if you haven't seen it before. Yes, Virgil broke away from Ted DiBease back in 1991 I believe and this was the first attire he wore as an active wrestler. For a BAF it's tremendous. Really glad Mattel moved away from the suited figures and went with this, hopefully more to come.

1. ‘Macho King’ Randy Savage

Yes, this is the one, I have all of Savage's Elites and Ultimates so far and this one is right up there as one of the best. Based on his look from Royal Rumble 91where he interfered in the world title match between the Ultimate Warrior and Sgt Slaughter which saw him cost Warrior the title, this would of course lead onto the great 'Career vs Career' match at Wrestle Mania VII. very good figure, get it in your collection if you can.

Give me your top 10 guys, preferably from ones in your collection, people may wonder why I didn't include the Vader one, I do have it but i wasn't a massive fan, I also have the other 3 Vader figures from Mattel, love the two in the Legends line based on his WCW looks over two different periods.

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