Various News (Weekending 15/7/23)

It has been rumoured for a few weeks and some images actually leaked online but today, Mattel Creations confirmed that in fact the SDCC exclusive would be Ali based on his look when he was the ringside enforcer/referee at Wrestle Mania I and also in the package there is an Ali in his boxing gear. It will be available to pick up in person at SDCC which starts on July 20th for a few days, I think us that won't be in attendance can order them from Mattel Creations on July 21st.

I am not blown away but of course will order them because they are Ultimate Edition figures, if for whatever reason they'd have been Elites I'd have waited to see if I could pick them up down the line.

Elsewhere, many have received their Mattel Creations Cody Rhodes Ultimate Edition, including myself, there are some that still haven't and there are some that ordered that and the Logan Paul Ultimate Edition and received the latter and not the former. myself, as stated, I have my Cody Rhodes but not my Logan Paul and tbh, I have no idea where it is right now. Mattel creations are hit and miss when they reply, I did get one reply from them, they apologised because I hadn't received any shipping information, they did send me some but it was different to the one I got with the Cody one and every time I check the package is situ somewhere and there has been no movement since June 26th. I have emailed them again, hopefully it'll turn up, of course when it does, I'll post it on my twitter/instagram (links at the end).

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Sticking with Mattel Creations and Cody Rhodes, his Ultimate Edition was going for silly money on the secondary market with those who missed out on grabbing it first time round, however, a few days before starting this piece, Ringside Collectibles put up on their website a number of units. I am guessing this doesn't sit well with a few. OK, it gives collectors who missed out on him to own it without paying a high price but still, what are your thoughts on this?

Ultimate Edition Cody Rhodes

I am not sure I like the MC way of doing things, when they put stuff up you have to pay up front and sometimes it can be close to a year before you receive the item. I would much prefer they did what some of the UK independent sellers do, take a down payment and then when it's ready to ship, send each person an invoice with a balance with x amount of time to pay it and if not, they lose the deposit. People will say that MC need the money up front so they can put it into production and they know the amount of numbers they need to order, well, first off, this is Mattel, no a a two-bit operation from down the road, I know they are a business but come on. Also, we can see they didn't make the Cody figures to order by the fact RSC have been able to sell some too. I guess, it's plausible put an order in themselves with MC but I don't gravitate to that theory, but that's me.

Power Town Bruiser Brody

Onto none Mattel news, I am not collecting them myself but everyone that ordered the Power Town series of wrestling figures should now have them. I didn't want to add another line to my collection, I am struggling for space as it is. These were heavily delayed and then the Kerry Von Erich was delayed a little longer.Other than not having the space/money for these, I don't really rate the figures tbh, I think, even though they are very different articulation wise compared to Mattel figures the scaling is quite a bit off too. I'd maybe pick up Brody if it crossed my path for a reasonable price, one thing Power Town have done well is the belts that come with the figures, I really want the US title that came with Magnum TA and the WCCW one that came with Von Erich. Do any of you have any of these Power Town figures and if so, thoughts? Hit me up if you're willing to part with those belts I want (LOL).

Power Town US Title Belt

I don't think Jazzwares are having a set-up at SDCC but they are releasing a SDCC exclusive figure, Sting with a casket, which you can see pictured here.


SDCC 2023 Exclusive Sting

I think that's it for now, this is the second time I have had to write it, lost it all the first time. I am like a kid a Christmas now waiting to see what we will get to see at SDCC, I may do a blog after that event to discuss what we did see.

Thanks for reading guys, wherever you see this, if you could share it with other figure collectors that would be great.

Any feedback/thoughts welcomed.

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