Top 10 Mattel/WWE Elite King Figures

Welcome back all, well, if it's your first time visiting the blog, thanks for stopping by, I hope you return and please, have a look back through the archives to see my previous pieces.

So, as you can see by the title, today I am doing another Top 10 list and I came up with this top 10 after asking on twitter what list I should do and I had a response from @MichaelGrid and he came up with this choice. 

Now, as I only like doing top 10 lists of figures I actually own and try and stick to Mattel Elites/Ultimates, I didn't think I would be able to do a top 10 on this choice but after looking into it, I think I can just about so here we go.

Before I start, if you disagree with my list hit me up on twitter (links at the end) with your choices.

10 Jerry 'The King' Lawler (Elite Series 18)

So, the scan on this one isn't the greatest but the reason it takes the last spot for me in the list is because my one has terrible staining from the cape onto his chest area, maybe not a viable reason for others to have it so far down the list but it's the reason mine it is on mine. The figure was reworked to an extent some years later in the Hall of Fame line with a way better head scan, would like to pick that one up if I can.

09 King Duggan (RetroFest Series)

Not a bad figure really but, was a bit of a mash-up of a couple of eras of Jim Duggan. When he was the 'King' that was about 1989 but this figure has him wearing a singlet and he had that look in about 1993. Comes with a decent cloth shirt, again, I think it was from the 80's/early 90's.

08 'Macho King' Randy Savage (Hall of Fame)

I picked up this figure very early on in my Mattel figure collecting days, again, nothing really to moan about with this figure, comes with the crown and a sceptre, maybe we could've got a t shirt/robe but would probably have been rubber ones back then so no great loss.

07 'Macho King' Randy Savage (Wrestle Mania Series 2022)

Breaking my own rules here, I don't actually own this figure yet, it's currently on its way from Ringside Collectibles so I haven't had the figure in hand. A bit repetitive now but from what I have seen, nothing wrong with this one just others that are in front of it in the list. Like with the HOF one, has a sceptre and crown.

06 Bret 'Hitman' Hart (RSC Exclusive King of The Ring 1993)

Some may raise there eyebrows that this is only at number 5 but I think like with many Bret Hart figures, the scan just lets it down, if the robe would've been soft goods rather than rubber it probably would be higher in the list but alas, it's where it is.

05 King Booker (Elite Series 14)

Tremendous figure this, there is a Hall of Fame version in a different colour scheme but I don't think I have it, I really should know, but this one is cool, yes, the robe is rubber but it's OK for this one.

04 King Mabel (Elite Series 68 'Summer Slam' set)

Another great figure this, Mabel was also a chase figure in this set too, in fact, mine is the chase version. He won the King of The Ring tournament in 1995 and this was in a Summer Slam set as he faced then WWF champion Diesel at that years SS PPV. Wasn't a great match.

Regular (R) Chase (L)

03 'Macho King' Randy Savage (RSC Exclusive/Legends)

Savage's third and final time in the list, nice figure this, crown, sceptre and soft goods ring entrance robe. Always found it interesting as it crossed two lines, the RSC exclusives and the original Legends line. People will probably have it at number 2 or even 1 in their lists but it's just edged out at number 3 for me.

02 Jerry 'The King' Lawler (Elite Series 82)

Well, what can be said about this figure, it is outstanding. It really is, I think as a figure, it's in my top 10 favourites of all time I think as Elite figures go. Takes me back to 1993 and his feud with Bret Hart, all the skits on Monday Night RAW, the abuse he was giving Bret's parents back then, wow. This led to Summer Slam 93, where the two were set to face off but Lawler came out on crutches, knee strapped up and said he was injured and could not face Hart but he has a replacement and it was his "court jester" Doink the Clown. I thought Doink, especially the original one, who this was, Matt Borne, was a great wrestler. I really liked the match, spoiler, Bret had Doink in the 'Sharpshooter' and then Lawler came in and blasted Bret across the back with the crutch. Jack Tunney then ordered Lawler to face Bret in a match and said if he didn't go back and face him, he'd be banned from the WWF for life. Bret went on to defeat Lawler via submission to the 'Sharpshooter' but, he wouldn't released the hold and after he finally did, the decision was reversed and Lawler took the win via DQ.

01 'King' Harley Race (Flashback Series)

No doubt this had to be number one in the list. It's a great figure and not that it should be a reason it should be number one in the list but it's really hard to obtain unless you are willing to pay silly money. Race came from a rich history of wrestling in the territories and Japan and he was a 7-time former NWA champion by the time he made it to the WWF in 1988. McMahon had no intention of putting the WWF title on him butt he did give him this king gimmick.
So that's it people, if you have a different top 10, let me know what it is on twitter, you can find all my links HERE

Thanks for reading.


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