Ringside Collectibles Mattel Figure Reveals, December 2022

So, we’ve had some reveals those week eh?

Some good stuff to look forward to I must say, a certain series returning, certain figures returning so without a do, let’s get going.

I know most of you won’t learn anything new as they’ve been all over social media and the reveals were shown live on YouTube with Ringside Collectibles but what will be available here are my thoughts if any of you care for them.

So the first lot of reveals were in conjunction with The Uso’s, there have been plenty of Uso figures in the Mattel line and there are more to come. First off, there will be some more Elites with them split up into different lines, Top Picks and a Summer Slam wave I believe but the big news was that the Uso’s will be getting their first Ultimate Editions, these will be released together either in a two-pack or as two figures in their own packaging but packaged together.

I’ll try and pick them up as I want to get all male UE figures but this is going to be come harder with the soon to be released UE Kane only being released with RAW scale ring based on the Attitude Era time. I bought the New Gen Ring/Entrance set just for the figures and have been unable to shift the ring/entrance and I am unwilling to order another ring just for a figure so it will be tough getting that one, DAMN you Mattel.

Moving on, the second video saw a bunch of reveals, we saw the whole of Elite series 102 which will see a first time in the line, short hair Edge, looks OK from the render although I’ve never been a fan of Edge the wrestler, although I pretty much only saw him between 98-2002, not sure what he is like these days. 

Also shown was a Rhia Ripley, not much to say on this, I don’t collect female figures, only have one in my collection (Legends Chyna) and have three for sale (Milk-O-Mania Stephanie, Survivor Series Becky Lynch & Nattie Neidhart).

Also there will be a Sami Zayn, he now is of course involved with the Uso’s and Roman Reigns in the Bloodline but this one is based on his Wrestle Mania from this year where he faced Johnny Knoxville (a Knoxville figure will be coming soon too, and will be a pass for me).

We will also be getting a Gunther, he’ll always be WALTER to me, saw him in many matches on the indies and very impressive up close and personal. We had the one WALTER figure in the past, a Ringside Collectables Exclusive too, which was very good indeed, my original one had two left feet, true story. I’ll prob try and pick this one up this new one, well, first Gunther one, I think.

One I would not have expected to get is Commissioner Mick Foley (pictured above), it will be a first time in the Elite line that will see him have short hair, he’ll come with a rubber shirt but cloth check shirt that has often been seen on him over the years.

And to round 102 up, we’ll be getting another Austin Theory and it’ll be the Chase too, I’ll try and pick one or both up, I didn’t actually grab his first Elite so I’ll try and grab these.

Moving on, this is where I’m feeling a bit ratty, I’ve talked about it before, I tweeted about it recently too but we also got to see some of the next set of Greatest Hits. I am guessing it’ll be a set of 4 again and we saw two, first one was a Batista, or should that be Bluetista? Yes, it’s that figure, I didn’t think much of it first time round, I didn’t try and get it then and I won’t try and get it this time round. Don’t think much of it at all.

Then, well, the one that really got my goat, they are re-releasing Harley Race that originally came out in the Flashback series. Most that bought it on the secondary market paid above average prices by quite a bit. Now I see how, like the first series, can benefit collectors who missed out on the figures first time round, I’m not sure if people really want the character in figure form that is Harley Race or did they want the figure as it was hard to find, I don’t know. From a personal point of view, I wanted it because I am a massive fan of Legend figures and no, he wasn’t released in the Legends line but he is a bonafide legend. This new one may have a better scan along with double jointed elbows, people really make a big deal out of those but hey, horses for courses. I am seeing plenty of the original one hitting the secondary market now as people try and cash in, good for them.

We got told that a line of yesteryear is returning and that is the Defining Moments line, I think they going to be RSC exclusives, a black & white image was shown of the back of Mick Foley and I think he has thumbtacks (or as we call them in the UK, drawing pins) in his back

Next up, we got to see some new Ultimate Editions, a mix here with a current roster member and a total Legend. We are getting the first Seth Rollins in the UE line, looks cool from the images, boy, Rollins has had plenty of Elites, I have a bunch but glad I haven’t been a completionist of Rollins Elite figures.

The Legend we are getting is the one and only Andre The Giant. Not much they can do with Andre figures in wrestling gear as he would mainly wear just a plain singlet. In Elite series 100 there are two Andre’s coming out in street clothes which look a bit brighter.

Also shown were some basics and retros, I don’t really cover either of them but they can be seen on the WWE Website

So what are you guys hoping to pick up?

Thanks for reading, please share with fellow figure collectors, you can find all my links HERE


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