My Top 10 Ultimate Edition Figures of 2022

Tweeted earlier on in the week that I'd seen videos from Kyle & My Damn Toys giving their choices for the Top 10 Ultimate Editions of 2022 and thought I may as well as do mine for the blog.

There have been some very good UE figures this year, trying to work out exactly what was a 2022 release was doing my head in as doing my research I saw that one was actually listed as a 2021 release but I am told it was actually from this year.

Looking a the list I have I am surprised just how many were released and I have them hall except one as it was a female figure which I don't collect. There were regular releases, store (Target) exclusives, Amazon exclusives and ones only available through Mattel Creations*

*This was the SDCC exclusive which was made available via Mattel Creations, I was, like many, unable to obtain them via MC so had to get them from another retailer that was able to get hold of them.

So, on with the list - 

10 Diesel (New Generation Entrance/Ring Set)

Yes, originally only available with the New Gen set but if you didn't want to buy the whole set or couldn't afford it yet wanted the figure (or the others) you could/can get them on the secondary market. I was the opposite, because I didn't want to miss out on the figures, I bought the whole set, I have the ring/entrance for sale if anyone is interested, get in touch if so. Onto the figure itself, I don't think the other two lads had Diesel in their lists but I am a fan of Diesel/Nash figures and collect all the Elite/UE ones (well, I am just one short on the Elite side, the 'Nitro Notables' one). There wasn't much that could be done with a Diesel figure except give it the UE articulation, we also got new head scans too.

09 Mr T 

This one based on his look from around the time of Wrestle Mania I where he teamed with Hulk Hogan to take on Roddy Piper (will we ever get a UE of him I wonder?) & 'Mr Wonderful' Paul Orndorff. Very good figure with a good amount of accessories as you can see in the image. 

08 Ultimate Warrior (Wrestle Mania VII)

This one would probably be higher in my list because it does look very good but it's just let down, for me, on both the head scans. They included one with  his painted face and one without for a post-match look but both are lacking for me. Overall, it's a great looking figure with the ring jacket and extra piece and it's better than the Elite version that came in the Defining Moments series, headscan on that wasn't great either, different technology then though and unlike the UE, didn't come with the extra shoulder piece.

07 Shawn Michaels (Survivor Series 1995, Amazon Exclusive)

Not a fan of Michaels, the man, but has had some great figures and I do collect all his Elite/UE figures and do have all the ones released so far, not sure why I wanted to be a completist for his figures being as I can't stand him. This figure, like many of his, is very good, works even better as an Ultimate Edition.

06 Batista (Target Exclusive)

Not heard too many go on about this one tbh, I think it's an underrated one to an extent, like the Attitude Era Triple H figure from a while back, it goes under the radar for me. I paid a bit over the odds from my supplier I sometime use in the US but these are the things you have to do if you want these figs that are put out as exclusives, Mattel of course don't think about fans across the world that collect, the deals get done with the stores and the rest of us, well, anyway, rant over.

05 'Macho Man' Randy Savage (New Gen Entrance/Ring Set)

We had two Savage's in Ultimate form in 2022, there was this one as well as the Target exclusive nWo one, which was pretty much a carbon copy of the RSC Exclusive Elite one from years ago but with 2 cloth shirts. This one from the New Gen set had a soft goods jacket and shirt. Also comes with commentator headphones as well as a hat with headphones attached and the extras keep on coming, there was a table with a sheet and monitors.

04 Hulk Hogan (SDCC No Holds Barred Exclusive)

Not going to lie and say I thought the No Holds Barred movie was anything special but I had to pick this set up, a few reasons, they (came with Zeus too of course) were UE figures and one was Hogan and if you saw my tweet on Saturday, you'll know I collect all Elite/UE Hogan figures, see the tweet with my picture HERE. Really do like the figure though, has some good head scans an accessories.

03 Hulk Hogan (Coliseum Collection)

Pretty much what we had on the last one but in a different colour scheme, this is a Mattel Creations cash grab, I mean way of paying homage to the LJN line. I wasn't into wrestling the time of LJN so never owned the figures. I know it's exciting for many that these LJN figures are being reproduced in Ultimate form, it'll be interesting how far down the line they go with them, of course, due to some of the then LJN guys having lawsuits against WWE and thus, don't have Legends deals there will be a decent amount not being made anyway. It comes with the world title belt based on the one he won from the Iron Sheik in 1984, theres some issues but it's not the first time Mattel haven't nailed a figure belt.

02 Doink The Clown (New Generation Entrance/Ring set)

Great figure, will probably be most peoples top figure of 2022 overall let alone the UE line but just misses out for me. Can't say anything bad about it, it's great, nice soft good jacket, some tremendous head scans, all round, a top figure. Like with the Diesel/Macho Man, I guess you can pick him up on the secondary market if you do not have him yet.

01 Hulk Hogan (Wrestle Mania I)

Can't say enough good things about this figure. And what it represents as far as the wrestling business too. I wasn't watching wrestling really in 1985 but WM I was pivotal to pro wrestling and the WWF going forward at the time. We have all heard the stories, McMahon would've been ruined if it hadn't of worked etc. The figure, like the NHB/CC ones is the same with different paint schemes and this comes with the 'Hogan 85' belt, the only gripe I have, other than the sizing is the fact it has WWE rather than WWF on it, I understand why, I think I'd have prefereed if they had just left that area blank.

So that's my list, what are your top 10 UE figures of 2022, and do you own them all?

Find all my links HERE

Thanks for reading, please share with your wrestling figure collecting friends.


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