Getting out the game

It's with a heavy heart that I have to announce I am getting out of the collecting game. I have a son I have to get through university and funds need to come from somewhere and it ismy wrestling figure collection that will be sacrificed.

 I have been an action figure collector for a long time, I started with Star Wars, well I say started with Star Wars, those were the figures I got into as a kid to play with rather than as a collector of course. I would go on to get into a whole host of figure lines but I really became a collector where I displayed figures with the JAKKS line, from the RA/AD line but mainly the Classic Superstars. 

When JAKKS lost the line, I vowed to get out then and not get into Mattel when they took over the licence and then Sami Zayn got his first Elite figure and as a figure collector and big fan of the indies I thought I'd pick it up and that was it, I was off to the races. It then became somewhat of an obsession and I quickly took a liking to the Legends line (going back to my love of the JAKKS CS line) and I made it my mission to try and complete the line, which I eventually did. If I just spoke to the Legends line things wouldn't be where they are now unfortunately for me and my bank account, I didn't stick with just the Legends. 

I would go on to collect all sorts from the Mattel lines, completing the Defining Moments line, the Ringside Collectables Exclusive line and picking up many, many more. I wasn't one of those people that picked up every figure from all the main line Elite series, I was able to limit myself there and pick and choose what I wanted, some times only one from a series but sometimes as many as four or so, don't think I went more that that, but it is possible.

Many of you have seen my display and I have many loose ones in totes as I just don't have the space to display them, this, along with the money issue is a reason I am getting out the game. 

I am not sure if everything is going but as somebody in wrestling once said "everybody has a price". On that note, it will be an extensive task to get everything photographed and priced up and it won't be quick.

So, some of you reading this may be interested in some of the figures I have and my wonder how you can get your hands on them, well, i will do them in batches, photograph them, price them up and then first put them up on the facebook pages Wrestling Figures Elite and Europes Home Of Wrestling Figs. They will also get put on twitter (@WrestleFigsUK) and apologies, they will ONLY be availble to those in the UK.

So that's it guys, I hope some of you become customers and are able to get your hands on figures you have been after.

If I don't do another blog going forward, thanks for reading this and any you have read in the past.

See you on the other side



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