SDCC WWE/Mattel Reveals Day 2

Welcome back guys, thanks to those who read part one of the 2022 SDCC reveals overview, much appreciated, if you haven't, you can read it HERE.

So, onto some of the reveals from day 2. The announced render images of an Ultimate Edition Cody Rhodes but it will not be in the regular UE line (as in readily available in stores in the US), not even a store exclusive or Amazon exclusive but it'll be via Mattel Creations, those who are VERY soon bringing us the New Generation ring with the 3 (or 2 depending on when you bought it) UE figures, Diesel, Doink & Macho Man. Also, that was the site where you could pre-order the SDCC exclusive 2-pack of Hulk Hogan & Zeus from 'No Holds Barred', bit of a sour taste tbh as like many, I thought I had one secure, was in a queue to check out and low and behold, it sold out. Hoping I can pick it up one day, we'll see.

In the Elite line we saw Chainsaw Charlie, the head is well strange but how can we forget, this incarnation of Terry Funk was him with a stocking over his head like he was going to commit a bank robbery. It seems it comes with a normal Funk head too, similar to his main line Elite one from way back. We also got to see render images of Farooq Assad, this of course was Ron Simmons when he first came to the WWF in the mid 90's where he had Sunny with him. Also, we saw images of another Demon Finn Balor, I'm a big fan of the figures of Balor as the Demon, love his UE one and his Jack The Ripper inspired one from the regular Elite line. There will be a dark-haired Mandy Rose for those who collect female figures, also shown was Rick Boogs, I literally have no idea who this guy is, I don't watch the modern stuff (I don't watch much wrestling full stop tbh) I think he will be the chase in whatever series he comes out in. There will be a Happy Corbin in street clothes, some sort of floral-patterned shirt with a smiling head, a more miserable one and a hat, it'll be a pass for me. There will be a Zelina Vega, a Matt Riddle with a scooter and another chase in whatever series he's in and that's the Boogey Man, I like to get the chases but I think I'll be passing on both Boogey Men here, I have his previous Elite and I don't think it's even on display.
Now, we're creeping up on Elite series 100 and we saw the renders of what is coming in that series, there has been much talk online on the forums and twitter etc. regarding what will be in this milestone set, and, well, not sure if I am blown away but let's go through the list. First off, there will be a Becky Lynch in white attire, John Cena will feature, of course, we haven't had enough Cena's, joking aside, he has made Mattel/WWE a lot of money through merchandise so it should be no surprise he features in this series. 

We have another Rey Mysterio, but this could be Rey Mysterio Jr. as it looks to be based on a WCW look, again, had a LOT of figures, especially recently since he returned, it seems every series features a Mysterio but like with Cena, I guess he sells well and I don't mean just in the ring. The Rock will feature in this series and he will come with a Brahma Bull title belt, I'll need to pick it up as it'll be a new belt. 

The chase in this line will be Andre The Giant in street clothes and again, comes with a belt we have never had previously so I need to pick up at least one whereas, I'd have probably given it a miss. Interesting story regarding the belt, so, how it apparently goes, Bobby Heenen (Andre's on-screen manager of the time) wanted a bigger belt made for Andre should he have beaten Hulk Hogan at Wrestle Mania III in 1987, however, after slamming Andre, Hogan dropped the big leg and subsequently pinned Andre to retain the WWF title. Hogan himself would never use this version of the WWF to my knowledge. 

And the main event for me will be Steve Austin, not 'Stone Cold' but 'Stunning' - we of course had the Hollywood Blondes version of him (hope we get an official Pillman to go with it one day) but this one is from his early days in WCW, 1991 to be precise and it comes with, for the first time in the line, a red strapped WCW (well, I believe on the original one it said NWA) TV title that he won from 'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton. I'm all over this, new belt yes but that version of Austin, WOW, I hope they surprise us and give him a robe too which he wore in his early days there but we'll see. 

Please, let me know what you think of the line up of Elite Series 100.

We also saw black and white renders of Mr. America (yes, another Hogan, but at least this one is quite different) surprised it wasn't a UE but I believe this will be in Elite series 101. We are also getting Johnny Knoxville, I think he faced Sami Zayn at this years Wrestle Mania, not sure if I'll grab this, doubt it. 

The also showed some retros, I am not into them at all but I see they are releasing a Rhythm & Blues Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine which is a talking point as Chella Toys are also releasing a version, albeit a bit pricier and their figures are in scale with the retros from Mattel. If Bill or Steve over at Mattel are reading, please give us a Valentine in the Rhythm & Blues gear in the Elite/Legends line, you have a mould for him already.

We also got to see figures for future Legends lines and at first i think there was a bit of confusion, so, the figures I am talking about are the Samoan Swat Team who I recall seeing in late 1989 and into 1990 in WCW and they went on to become The Headshrinkers in the WWF in 92/93 I believe. I say there was some confusion because it looked like there were 2 versions of each guy so in essence a chase of each however, prior to writing this I discovered there would be one version of each but a '2 in 1' where I guess parts/outfits will be interchangeable, we shall see. Also, pictured was an NWA/WCW type version of Paul E. Dangerously but the render shows he will come with a cap but that has an ECW logo on it, early ECW maybe but it looks more like the NWA version, comes too with the really old-style mobile phone, he of course would use this as weapon for his wrestlers over the years.

I am not sure if it was shown on day 1 but we are getting an Eric Bischoff, FINALLY in the Mattel line, I think this will be in the RA series so if we here in the UK will have to pay an inflated price, it will come with an extra head based on the look he had when he wore a prosthetic mask when he 'married' Billy & Chuck in the ring on RAW, it'll probably be in the series with nWo Kevin Nash circa 2002 when they were in the WWE and Shelton Benjamin. I think I mentioned in the day 1 blog, I have to have that Nash, I have wanted it for a long time to go with the WWE nWo Hall & X Pac. There's also an Elite Torrie Wilson on it's way, not sure if it's with these 3 or not, it will all come out in the wash.

We are also getting a 2-pack of the Mega Powers, Hogan & Savage, these will be in Elite style and I believe will be exclusive to Ringside Collectibles, they look amazing, I'll probably pick them up from one of the trusted UK independent retailers. 

Back onto the Ultimate Editions, we are finally getting an AJ Styles one, I know I personally like to see the Ultimate's be legends but if we are going to be getting the modern guys, AJ is one I have been wanting for a while and we are getting Jeff Jarrett in the line, it will be in the style of his wacky mid-90's look when he had the straps on his gear from his neck to his tights, the cowboy hat and the glasses, doubt they will light up though, imagine if they did haha. I think I heard the Bret Hart UE coming out all in pink may be a target exclusive, which again, will bump the price up for us here in the UK. We'll also be getting another Rock in the UE line, this will be the third, maybe they are trying to cater for those who missed out on the first one that was based on the Attitude Era version of him. That first one is quite sought after I believe.

Back in the Elite world, there's a modern Paul Heyman coming out, and a Brock Lesnar in jeans and a Roman Reigns, not sure if they will be all single figures or in a pack together. As Heyman is in a suit, maybe they add 2 more figures and make Heyman a BAF, who knows.

Also, I didn't bring it up on the first day blog, there will be a 30-year RAW anniversary pack, it has the big RAW letters as well as 3 figures, all repaints I guess, a Razor Ramon in green attire, an Undertaker and a 123 Kid which comes with a back of money and separate notes which is a throwback to the angle he had with Ramon back in 93. The figure is very similar to the original 123 Kid that came out, which was actually one of the very first Elites I bought. This set is a Target exclusive so who knows if I'll ever get it, would really like the Razor.

There will be a Wrestle Mania line with a BAF who will be a Mean Gene (the only previous Mean Gene available from Mattel was in the Flashback series which was a US exclusive so wasn't cheap to get here), the figures in this set will be Macho King Randy Savage and Dusty Rhodes based on their match from Wrestle Mania VI and Hulk Hogan and The Rock (yes, those guys again, although I am not complaining, especially for this Hogan) based on THAT match from Wrestle Mania X8. The WM series are usually available here in the UK which is great because I want all 4 of these and of course, that will mean I have Mean Gene too.

OK guys, that's me done, hope you enjoyed it, please give me your feedback and please share this with anyone you think maybe interested.

My links can be found HERE

Until next time.


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