Looking at the Most Recent WWE/Mattel Reveals

A bit late but I thought I'd write about the new reveals. As always, I look for images of the forthcoming Legends series and I must say, I am not overly impressed.

I just don't think they are really going down the 'legends' route, I know they can only produce figures of people who are under legends contracts but still, there have been some questionable releases in previous series not just these new ones.

For example, since the Legends returned with series 7, taking into account we are only up to series 13 in stores as it stands we have had Jake 'The Snake' Roberts release twice already (he was in the original run of Legends too) and that means 4 figures as both times we have had Roberts since they returned he has been the chase figure. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Roberts' figures, I have all 7 that have been released in Elite form but I just think it's lazy on their part.

Anyway, rant over, well that one. Onto the reveals.

For Legends series 15 we had shown X-Pac in the DX invasion gear to round off the set of 5 as Road Dogg & Chyna which were in series 14, which I must say, looks great, however, with that gear off, it's not the best-looking figure in regular wrestling attire, also we had a Kane from the Ruthless Aggression era and it comes with a RAW tag team title.

There also is a Stacy Kiebler from here WCW days where she was Miss Hancock and as I have said on twitter, I collect all Legends figures and even though I don't collect figures of female wrestlers/personalities I WAS going to buy the Chyna one but I am drawing the line at the Hancock one, no buying that.

And to round off the reveals from Legends series 15 is Lex Luger, this is also the chase for this series. Both are from his time in WCW one while part of the nWo WolfPac and one during his late 80's/early 90's run. We have had Luger elite figures in the past two based on his WWF runs (the Narcissist and USA looks) and one from his time in WCW that came in a 3 pack with Sting & Randy Savage based on their match from Bash At The Beach 96 against Nash & Hall and eventually Hogan. I wasn't alone but I actually made a WCW style Luger using the body from that BATB one, the boots off the USA one and the head off the Flashback basic one (which I needed anyway for the BAF JJ Dillon parts). You will see a picture of it here. The head on the WolfPac one looks like the one from the 3 pack without the face paint and the other one looks to be the same one I have used on my custom one. It'll be an expensive time again when they get released but at least I'll be saving some by not picking up Hancock.
Other figures revealed were Elite 94 and there will be a Stephanie McMahon on its way, also a Bret Hart, love me a Bret Hart figure, have all the Elites (except the recent WM series one) and his one Ultimate Edition so will be picking this one up but as many of you will know, when this was revealed it caused a big stir on twitter etc as once again it looks like Mattel just haven't nailed his heascan, well with this one, the hairline seems too far back. It does seem like that but let's wait until it's released to see reviews before I actually have it myself. I think it may be based on his 1991 Summer Slam match as it comes with the IC title (he won it that year from Mr Perfect). There will be a chase for Bret too.
 We also have a British Bulldog, we had one a few series back but that one was based on his tag team run in the 80's whereas this one is his early 90's run. It's quite similar to a previous Bulldog we have had, same headscan but changes on the tights and the flag, where it was plastic before seems to be cloth this time. I believe it's based on his match with Bret at Summer Slam 92. Onto a more modern one, we will be getting MACE to complete people Reckoning factions.

Sticking with Elite style figures, they will be releasing a Ruthless Aggression line and from what we can see so far there are 3 in the first series, people think there could be one or two more but let's see. So first we have a Brock Lesnar it looks very much like a Ringside Collectibles Exclusive from some years ago. There will also be a Batista and Shawn Michaels, I think I may still have both versions of these from when JAKKS released them back in the day.

The second nWo Hollywood Hogan was also shown, I think it was leaked a few days before. The first Hollywood Hogan I think is the best Ultimate edition released, of course that is up for debate but this one is great too. I have the WM IX hogan too which is also great.

Also, we got to see the winner of the latest 'fan vote' for another Amazon Exclusive Ultimate Edition a Shawn Michaels based on hi
s look from around 1995. Store exclusives are bad enough as they are usually Walmart or target and we, here in the UK don't have them stores but at least figures can usually be picked up for us by friends across the pond but these damn Amazon Exclusive ones are proving to be a right pain. I personally am still waiting for the Hogan, Triple H and Ultimate Warrior (I do have the Hogan already as mentioned earlier but I ordered this on the secondary market, eBay, as I didn't want to wait until August). 
Sticking with Ultimates and Hulk Hogan, we are getting a Hogan based on his look from Wrestle Mania I, it will come for the first time in the Mattel line, the WWF title Hogan wore at the time and along with that, as they always release Ultimates in twos, we are getting his tag team partner from that WM match, Mr T. I think Mr T is a little skinny in the leg area, what about you guys?

Anyway, thats it for this round-up, there were loads of basic figures and other things revealed too but as you know, I only collect Elite's and Ultimate's (I do have a few basics).

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