Re-Release Figures?

RSC SES Exclusive CM Punk

saw a discussion on twitter (follow me @WrestleFigsUK) where they were talking what figures would they want to see re-released as they missed out on them the first time around or they weren't collecting when they were released.

As I started collecting Mattel at around series 41 I missed out on a lot of early, great figures and have gone back and bought them at a ridiculous cost, most loose too, dread to think how it would've gone if I was a MOC collector.

Although I don't collect for the resale value I have been against re-releases as it would affect values if I needed to sell in the future however, I have benefitted by it myself, most notably, Kane. I was never able to get the series 12 one but it was re-released (with minor differences) in the Hall of Champions line and even though it was a US store exclusive so had to pay more than the cost of a regular Elite or what the people over in the US itself would pay, it gave me the opportunity to grab that figure.
One I see mentioned a lot for a wanted possible re-release is the Flashback series Harley Race, this really is the figure I was talking about earlier when I was talking about value of figs in the future IF I needed to sell going forward. I think there may be a Harley Race figure again but maybe not the same one with cape and crown, but this is just me surmising to be honest. Like with any of the legends, it's all about what deals the particular wrestler has with the WWE. 
I was watching a review the other day of the Zodiac figure from Kyle Peterson and he said something interesting, we had had the Legends series Brutus Beefcake which was also the chase in that series and now the Zodiac one all of course were portrayed by Ed Leslie and Kyle suggested or mentioned, maybe his legends deal was coming to an end and they wanted to get as many of his figures out while they can. As we know, there are a lot of characters from the past who haven't had figures from Mattel or had one a long time ago but don't currently have a legends deal with WWE so Mattel's hands are tied. There are some past stars that don't only not have a legends deal but were part of the lawsuit against WWE over concussions while working for them that in all honestly mean we'll probably never see a figure from them, not for the foreseeable future anyway.
So, back to re-releases, I'd like to see Gorilla Monsoon get released again as I have missed out on that one, there are some available on the secondary market but even I am not willing to pay silly prices but if you do have one and are willing to sell, you know where I am. I imagine there are others I want either from the first run or as a re-release and I'll remember after this is published but, what would YOU like to see be available again? Let me know in the comments or on twitter/instagram.

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