Ringside Fest Figure Reveals Day 2 (29/10/21)

Welcome back guys, thatnks to those who read my write up of day 1, please share that one and this on your social media channels, it would be much appreciated.

So we had some good stuff revealed on day 1, I did see some comments saying it was undwhelming and I can see that but overall I  thought it was OK, if you want to watch the video of the reveals from the Ringside Collectibles site, click HERE.

First off, Bill Miekina had samples of Elite series 90, started off with the Jay Uso, then the Mustafa Ali, Steve Ozer showed Reckoning in the package, indy fans may remember her as Mia Yim. Back to Bill, he showed a sample of Randy Orton in his white gear that he wore at the last Wrestle Mania. Bill then went on to show the Big Boss Man, it was towards the end of his run where he is slimmer, he also went on to show The Boss which was the same character but in WCW. I have to say, not overly blown away by these two, I do have the Boss Man from the original run, not sure if it's the original Elite one or the Network Spotlight so I may not bother with Elite 90 Boss Man, I say that but I probably will end up getting it, especially The Boss as it's more unique.

They then moved onto Elite 91 and Bill showed a Kevin Owens based on his Royal Rumble appearance, his accessory will be a ladder that can be bent in a way like it would be left if a wrestler takes a 'bump' on it. next up was Owens' pal, Sami Zayn, this is a more current look and I'll definately want to pick this one up. Next shown was Bianca Belair, I don't collect female figures, well there is one coming up that I will have to, more on that later, but I guess those who do collect them will like this Bianca. Then we got to see a figure that will be very sought after I think and it's Hulk Hogan based on his look similar to when he faced Shawn Michaels  at Summer Slam 2005.

From this point, we went into a diffrent route on the reveals, next to be shown was Rob Van Damn, chase version first followed up by the regular version, I say it's a different route because at this point, they actually brought in RVD himself to talk figures and more, I loved how Rob went into detail about how he chose the colour scheme for the chase figure, I won't explain it here so please watch the video linked above. I would get the chase if I get chance but I will for sure get the regular, I have one RVD Elite in my collection as it stands.

 Steve showed some Elite 90 in packaging, Jay Uso, Mustafa Ali and Randy Orton. From this point it was onto Wrestle Mania Elites, first off we had AJ Styles from the Boneyard match, so he is jeans and a t shirt, no 'Too Sweet' hands though but you do get a shovel which of course came with Undertaker that was in Series 85. Next up was a Bret Hart, I have every Elite Bret so I guess I may need to get this despite it being a re release of sorts from a previous figure. It does have some differences so I may pick it up, it's based on his Wrestle Mania XXVI appearance. We also get another 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, it's based on his final ever match, WM XIX where he faced The Rock. It's easy to see why a lot of collecters get annoyed, we only got an Austin back in the last Rumble set, albeit slightly different as far as the vest goes. The last one in the series and probably my favourite reveal over the two days, is the Shawn Michaels from the same WM as Bret, XXVI and it of course was a monumental match as it was the second match in a row against Undertaker at a WM when he of course was forced to retire. I am not the biggest fan of Michaels the person but I have all* his Elite figures so would have to pick this up plus, as I said, I think it's my favourite figure from the two days of reveals.

 *I said all, well, I have the Lost legends one that originally had come out in the core elite line, so I have them all but don't, if you follow.

To end the Wrestle Mania Elites, each figure comes with a BAF part and for this one it's Vince McMahon from Wrestle Mania III.

Next up, my favourite overall line going back to the original line, the Legends. This is series 14 and I mentioned earlier I don't collect female figures but that will change and that is because, with the Legends line being my favourite and I want to complete it, series 14 comes with Chyna from the DX invasion of WCW. Also, from the same angle, in this series is Road Dogg. There is also a classic style Edge from about the time he was teaming with Hulk Hogan (his childhood hero) and this is also the chase in this set. I was never an Edge guy when I watched WWE, I just didn't 'get it'. Good figures though as it's finally an Edge with as soft goods jacket as oppsed to a rubber one. And the final one in this set is great, plain as it it is, it's great, yes, we are talking of WCW's  'Mean' Mark Callous who of course after filming Surburban Commando (which had Hulk Hogan in the lead role) went to the WWF at the time as The Undertaker, as you can see below, it really looks great.

 They ended the video with a reveal of sopme figures really aimed at kids, the 'Bend & Bash' series, pretty rubbish but they are not aimed at me of course.

Thanks for reading, again, please share this where you can, it's all appreciated.

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