My Top 5 Hulk Hogan Mattel Elite/Ultimate Edition Style Figures

Welcome back everyone, hope you have all been well.
As you can see by the title, I am doing my top 5 Mattel Hulk Hogan list today. Inspired by Kyle Peterson's recent Top 10 overall Hulk Hogan figures list (find it on YouTube) I thought I would do this list.

As you will know, I always do top 5's, I would do a top 10 but he hasn't had enough Elite style ones. I will also include his first Ultimate Edition too, as it stands, no one has his second Ultimate Edition and I don't have the recent Elite that came out in the Survivor Series line, I will pick it up despite the weird scan (much like the Bret Hart one in the same series).

I will say, sorry for the spoilers if you have not watched it yet, Kyle had in his top 10 the original Storm Collectibles Hollywood Hogan which I do have and displayed with my Elite figures, but my list as previously stated, will be just Elite figures.

So, onto my top 5 list.

From what I could see, and I should know because I have them all, the new Survivor Series one aside, there is only 4 Elite Hogan figures.

At number 5 I am putting the Ringside Exclusive 'American Made' figure. Like the figure as a whole, a different look for the more commonly known red & yellow look of Hogan however, the head scan is slightly off for me so makes it as number 5 in my list.

RSC Exclusive

At 4 I am going with the Hall of fame figure, based on his look from the end of Wrestle Mania IX when he won the WWF title from Yokozuna who had just won it from Bret Hart. This doesn't come with the black eye but the Amazon exclusive Ultimate Edition that is coming.....whenever, will have a spare head donning the black eye.

Hall of Fame
At 3 I have the series 34 figure from the core Elite line, as you can see from the picture, Hogan is not in wrestling attire, but it looks great, well, in my opinion anyway.

Elite Series 34

At 2 I am going for the defining Moments one, great looking figure based on his look from 86/87 which comes with the belt referred to as the 'Hogan 87' belt and to know surprise, it's the only time this belt has been released by Mattel.

Defining Moments

And at number 1, it's not an Elite and Kyle wasn't high on it, but I have the Ultimate Edition Hollywood Hogan figure taking the top spot. I just think this is a great figure and a must for all collectors. There have been some great UE figures but I think this is number 1 for me.

Ultimate Edition Hollywood Hogan

So, guys, that's my list, not many to choose from for Hogan but if your list is in a different order, please let me know.

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