Ultimate Warrior Elites - My Top 5

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So, let's get onto todays blog, you would have gathered from the title it's me taking a look at the Mattel Elite/Ultimate Edition style figures of the late Ultimate Warrior.

 Legends Series 6         Lost legends

I started collecting wrestling figures in 1990, I had always collected figures of some sort from various franchises such as Star Wars, Karate Kid and the like so when I go into wrestling in 1990 it was inevitable that I was going to collect figures based on that genre. I bring this up because the very first wrestling figures I bought were Hasbro ones and they were chosen because of that summer's WWF PPV main event, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude &The Ultimate Warrior, the two had faced off in a world title cage mage at Summer Slam. The figures were not in that SS attire, but we did get figures in that attire in later years in the Mattel line.

The Ultimate Warrior is a very toyetic character, he has had many action figures in numerous lines and I would go out on a limb and say the Mattel ones have been the better ones but of course, that is all up for debate much like my choice of a top 5 that I am about to finally go into.

Legends Series 4

My top 5 are taken from the figures of Warrior readily available over the   years, I say this because there is a selection of Warrior figures that were very limited when released, not many have them, I have been in discussion with people over the years who have one or more of them in the hope of maybe obtaining one, more chance of winning the lotto I think.

At number 5 I am going with the Legends Series 6 Warrior based on his match from Wrestle Mania VI where he faced a defeated Hulk Hogan. I have written about it on previous blogs, there are two Warrior figures that seemed based on his WMVI look however, one is more accurate than the other. when looking at the picture of both figures you may think they are the same however, they are different. They both came with winged eagled titles, the Legends one came with a yellow strapped one, the Lost Legends one came with a black strapped one, the latter one is correct for the match. The figures themselves are different too, the Legends one, has the orange on the wristbands closer to the hands, this is accurate to the match. And another difference to both figures is the painted logo on the chest of each is of a difference size.

Although I am not a fan of current WWE, haven't been really for over 15 years to be honest, I do like to go back and watch older stuff and the Warrior/Hogan match from WMVI is one I watch every 2-3 months. Was never a technical masterpiece but it is a match I enjoy and is a huge moment in the WWF's history as it saw Hogan lost his title clean unlike the previous time in 1988.

Defining Moments

At number 4 I am going with his other Legends figure, from Series 4 based on the first time he won gold in the WWF at Summer Slam 88 from the Honky Tonk Man. HTM was supposed to be facing Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake that night but in storyline he was taken out of commission by 'Outlaw' Ron Bass. The way it unfolded was, the WWF would provide HTM a mystery opponent, HTM went to the ring, asked them to send him someone out, anybody then the Warrior's music blasted out over the P.A. system in Madison Square Garden and the Warrior did his trademark full pelt run to the ring, blitzed Honky Tonk Man, who if I recall, didn't even have time to remove his jumpsuit, and become the new Intercontinental champion. If you are after one of these figures, I have one for sale, minus the belt, link HERE

At number 3 I am going with one of his two Defining Moments figures, to be honest, the other one wouldn't get near this list, and it was far from a Defining Moment, anyway, the figure that has made the list and is my number 3 is the DM figure based on his look from Wrestle Mania VII where he faced 'Macho King' Randy Savage (I think he was still Macho King at that point). The match itself was tremendous, a real good encounter and well-worth your time if you have not seen it before for whatever reason. Although this list is only of 5, this figure probably would have been first or second in the list IF the head scan was a bit better, it's a bit, well, you can see it here.

Ultimate Edition

At number 2 I have gone with his Ultimate Edition figure, it was released right at the start of the line that has become a huge favourite of many. This one was based on a look he had in a short stint he had in WCW where he was basically brought in for Hogan to 'get his win back' 8 years after losing at WM VI to the Warrior. The line was a fresh, various figures came with various extra body parts like arms and extra heads, Warrior comes with an extra head himself which depicts him later on in the match where his face paint is wearing off. comes with a nice soft goods ring jacket too.

Before number 1 get to, honourable mentions to the Ringside Collectables Warrior figure based on his match at Wrestle Mania XII, horrible match for a number of reasons with Hunter Hearst Helmsley, whatever happened to him? Another honourable mention to the Royal Rumble figure based on his 1990 look (there was one for RR 91 too in the Flashback series) the 1990 one like the UE one came with 2 heads and we finally, for the first time in the line, got the yellow strapped IC title. That Legends 6 one I spoke of earlier came with a yellow strapped winged eagle one but at WM VI his IC one was yellow and the one he won off Hogan was a black strap (I get the feeling I mentioned this earlier).

So, my number 1 Ultimate Warrior Elite style figure, you can see it here in all its glory, the Hall of Champions series Warrior based on a late 1990 look I want to say. It's a great figure, has a variant of sorts, as you will see, it has 2 Warrior logos on the front of the trunks but there's another version that has 3. Really like, no, love this figure. As you can see in the picture, he has a yellow strapped belt but when it was released it had a white strap.

I have all his regular released figures in the Elite/Ultimate Edition line, EXCEPT, the variant one I just spoke about. 

So that's it guys, I hope you have enjoyed it, I have rambled on a bit rather than just give a top 5 but, well, that's what I do.

Please send over your top 5 on twitter/instagram, really interested in seeing your lists.

Please check out my links HERE to find my social media channels and ways to support the site. 
Check out our advertisers Wrestling Trader - http://wrestlingtrader.co.uk they have a great range of figures from WWE and AEW.

Until next time......


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