Montreal, November 1997, Screwjob or Not?

Hey all, it's been a while since I have blogged, I have been in the wars so to speak, been off work for a month with back/leg issues, still not resolved but I am back at work now. I arrived back to a lot of figures which you would have seen if you follow me on social media, find the links at the end.

So, I am not going to write about figures today but something I like talking about with anyone that is also interested and that is the Montreal 'Screwjob'.

I was watching the A&E documentary on Bret 'Hitman' Hart and of course, this was going to be spoken about. I tweeted out when watching it about how I don't think there was a screwjob and I got a response by a guy I have known for many years saying "don't be that guy". I told him, it's my opinion, we all have them.

So, I know there will be many of you reading this that will think I am being ridiculous, and would say if it had been, for lack of a better term, a work then it would have come out by now. Don't forget, when it happened, the people who knew about it at the time as if it was a screwjob were just Vince, Shawn, Hebner & Gerald Brisco. Over the years the likes of Bruce Prichard and Jim Cornette were not 'smartened' up beforehand. And with this in mind, why couldn't it be a very small group of people who were also on it being a 'work'?

Is it not possible that Shawn, Hebner and even Brisco along with Bret could've signed NDA's (no disclosure agreements)? People will look towards how bitter Bret has been over the years but again, how is he supposed to act, if he has signed an NDA?

There was a tremendous documentary made some years ago called The Montreal Theory, check it out if you can find it and it had various people within wrestling talking about what they think happened, not all one sided saying it was a 'work' as there were those who said that think it was a scewjob as there was no pay-off. Now, let's take a step back, Bret was offered 10.5 million over 20 years by the WWF but Vince went to him and said he couldn't honour that deal, so Bret went back to WCW (he had been in negotiations with them previously) and he was able to basically get 9 million for a 3-year deal, now THAT is a pay-off. Also, with what Vince was supposed of done, this created the 'Mr McMahon' character, and they were off to the races. This was pretty much the start of the 'Attitude Era' business went through the roof for the WWF, now, that's a pay-off.

Let's not forget, throughout 1997, Wrestling With Shadows was being filmed in and around the WWF, the makers had access backstage at WWF shows and of course, covered the build-up, the show itself and the aftermath of Survivor Series 97. There were many things from that documentary that added fuel to the fire for me. When the deed went down, Vince is ringside, looking side to side, Bret made his way to the ropes and on que, Vince was in place to be spat at right in the face. Bret would then proceed to smash up monitors at ringside, it was just so contrived to me. 

Then there's what happened backstage, Bret and Shawn in the same locker room with Bret asking Shawn if he was in on it, again, I just found it unrealistic they would be anywhere near each other. And, we had Bret telling the camera crew to leave when he was told Vince was on his way, it's well documented that Bret was supposed to have hit Vince in the temple, yet we see Vince had a 'black eye', and this was never more prevalent during the infamous 'Bret Screwed Bret' interview.

I look forward to any thoughts on what I have written, do you think there was a screwjob in Monreal in 1997 or like me, do you think it was just an elaborate 'work'?

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