Random Stuff

First blog in a while guys, I hope you are all keeping well. I know lockdown restrictions are slowly being lifted but please stay safe, don't be one of those people not wearing face coverings in shops, on public transport or wherever you're supposed to.

OK, so I wasn't sure what to cover so I am going to just talk about a few things. 

Most of you know, the Mattel Elites are my thing, that is the line I focus on more, especially lately I try and get hold of harder to find figures and now we have a more figure lines coming out, of course there is AEW, Super 7 and Boss Fight, I mention those as they are more to scale with the Mattel ones but there are other ones coming out that match up with the old Hasbros and the Mattel Retro figures.
I started collecting the AEW figures and if you follow me on social media, you may know I decided to knock them on the head as I didn't want to go down that road. Unlike a lot of collectors, I don't have a separate room to display my collection, so I don't really have the space, I mean I don't really have the space for my Mattel's, I have a lot boxed up. I did sell some AEW figures and kept some but will probably sell those too. It's a shame really as some of the AEW ones that have been released and that are due to come out look very good, I was planning to buy the Wave 4 Kenny Omega after selling that awful one from Wave 1 but I think that will go by the wayside now. If/when I do sell the existing AEW figures I have, I will post on the social media channels so get following if you don't already (links at the end). In closing on AEW, the only ones I won't sell will be the Lucha Brothers and I may get their future ones too.

On the subject of the Lucha Brothers, Boss Fight released their take on Fenix and Pentagon/Penta 0M and they look amazing. I ordered them way back when direct from Boss Fight, but they were heavily delayed due to the pandemic. They did finally receive their stock in however were having to wait for a VAT number before they can ship here to the UK. I did recieve an email off them just over a week ago saying that if I wanted, I could get a refund, originally, I thought I would just wait until they get the VAT issue sorted but today thought I'd just ask for a refund, so I am waiting on that and then, I may look at buying them from within here in the UK if Fig Pop Shop have any left by then. I know what you're thinking, why am I buying them if I am not buying AEW as I don't have the space etc? And my answer is, they (Boss Fight) don't release too many per set unlike AEW and as I said earlier, the Pentagon and Fenix look so good, I have to have them, I suppose I could pick and choose from the AEW line but, as I won't be displaying them, no point buying them just to sit in a box.

Another figure line is Super 7, they have been doing figures for a while and they got the licence to produce the NJPW figures. They first told us about them way back in 2019 I think, in fact, I was on my instagram the other day and saw a post of the prototypes I had put up and couldn't believe how long it has been, but this has to be expected of course due to the current circumstances, I know, like with the Boss Fight figures, people here in the UK have them as they bought them from Ringside Collectibles, but I had pre ordered mine with UK company Comics & Cocktails and it now looks like they are closer than ever and I have paid my balance on them after leaving a deposit, however, as I put on twitter today, I am not sure I actually want them, I mean, like I mentioned earlier, there's the display space issue but overall, I just don't think I like them to be honest. I am really considering getting them in and then selling them, not fully decided on what I am going to do just yet, I mean, I am not one for buying figures for future value but with these, I don't think they are going to produce the series again so when they've gone, they've gone, this may not be the case, but it is something I have heard. I don't have them in hand of course and I am not a MOC collector but from what I have seen on unboxing videos and the like, the packaging looks amazing. Hopefully they'll be here soon, and I can then make a decision.

In closing, as I have given shout outs to other companies, I'll do a few more here in the UK I have pre orders with, so, I have Ultimate Edition Series 8 Edge & Randy Savage on order from Collectable Kingdoms, I have Ultimate Edition Series 9 Ric Flair & Steve Austin from DC Collectibles and numerous figures including Big Van Vader, DDP, Cena & Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake from Legends 10 from WrestleBox and I have also pre ordered some of the upcoming Elites from Series 85 from Smyths.

That's it then folks, thanks for reading.

Find all my links HERE, my social media channels and ways you can support the channel, if you wish to.

All the best, Stu


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