Mattel/WWE New Figure Reveals

So, you know what this is, let's have a look at the reveals from WWE/Mattel yesterday over at the WWE's website. There were loads of images shown and you know me, I am into the Elites and Ultimate Editions but there just won't be enough space to show them all here so I will add the best bits, best that are in my opinion of course.

They had some WWE/Masters of the Universe figures to show first, not a line I am remotely interested in. Before I was into wrestling, in fact, way before, I was into wrestling I collected MOTU figures as a kid, recall pestering my mom to get me Trap Jaw. Any readers collect these crossover figures?

Basic Championship Showdown packs up next, another line I don't collect. They showed a Mankind/Austin set followed by Big Boss Man/British Bulldog in jeans and then Trish Stratus/Chyna.

More basics up next, Summer Slam basics, Roman Reigns, Bayley, Kane, Silver Surfer Rey Mysterio, Apollo Crews, Jake Atlas who is also the chase in the line and then a Dexter Loomis and Damian Priest.

Onto the Elites and series 86, Summer Slam related, first is Sid Justice based on when he was a referee for the 1991 main event of Warrior/Hogan vs Slaughter/Mustafa & Adnan. This is a 2 in 1, the ref gear is removable and underneath, Justice has a red singlet on. Now, a couple of things, he never wore the singlet while working in WWF, that was a WCW thing, no major issue but as you can see by the picture, the arms just don't look right. There was another Fiend figure shown, this one with the blue Smack Down title, next up was Triple H, this is also a chase figure too, red tights with yellow logos and blue tights with black logos. I just hate the legs that are used here, various figures have them, horrible and there's a Miz, great display piece although and the female figure in this line is a Carmella plus the Collectors Edition, Target Exclusive I believe, will be Col. Mustafa in a look similar to how he was at the Summer Slam 91 show mentioned earlier and to round it off, Seth Rollins based on Summer Slam 2020 when he dressed up similar to Rey Mysterio did when he faced Eddie Guerrero at WCW Halloween Havoc 1997.

Then they showed pictures of Elite series 87 starting with Candice LeRae, face seemed a bit off, maybe the actual figure will be better, we have the chase is next, Apollo Crews and it'll be the first time in the line of the new US title, makes it a must have (still trying to get the IC belt that came with the last Elite Nakamura, that was also a chase, if you are selling one, hit me up) next up was Santos Escobar, definitely grabbing this, although only pictures, it looked great, comes with newer cruiserweight title and an extra head with a mask on. ASUKA up next, shows a mask too, and an amazing reveal for me, a Powers of Pain style Warlord, I have a feeling it will be a Collectors Edition, hope not though. Up next, a figure we don't get much, Roman Reigns (sarcasm of course) and there will be a modern day MVP, the original ones are really hard to track down.

Next up they showed pictures of the Elite two-packs and started with the Rock n Sock Connection (Rock & Mankind) of course, Mankind will be coming with Mr. Socko (and wearing blue jeans) and Rock will be coming with his sock known as Rocko.

Survivor Series Elites up next, oh boy, great stuff, Bret 'Hitman' Hart first, I just hope they make him look better than they did in the two-pack set with Goldberg, and there will be a classic Hulk Hogan, NEED BOTH.

They then spoke about the Legends series 10, these are target exclusives and went up for pre-order, I have some of them on pre-order from Wrestle Box here in the UK. That Vader, amazing.

Then they spoke about Legends series 11, first off was Big John Studd, I think the figure is the same as the one that came with the Hall of Fame Heenan Family box set but this Legends one has a nice soft goods white/red entrance robe. My current one is displayed with a robe but not a made for Studd one of course. Next up was a nWo Wolfpack Scott Hall, we have had one before in the Elite line but this one has longer hair the bandana tied at the front which was made famous by hip hop icon Tupac Shakur. 

Next up was Macho Man Randy Savage and this will be a chase too, the non-chase one is VERY similar to the original Legends line one from way back, yes, it devalues that original one but gives newer collectors a chance to pick a Savage like that up.  And the final figure of this Legends 11 series will be an ECW style Bam Bam Bigelow, and this comes with the ECW TV title, this version is first time in the line, this is the third Bigelow in the Elite style after the legends one based on his Wrestle Mania XI look and the Then, Now, Forever one, this figure, is a MUST for me (like all Legends figures really, although I wasn't impressed with series 9 and STILL don't have any of them).

Next up, sticking with the ECW theme was Cactus Jack, this will be an RSC exclusive, and it comes with a nice ECW classic t shirt and for the first time in the line a ECW tag team title belt, the only downside is the belt shown is the one used in the latter days of ECW and NOT the one Cactus held when he was tag team champion with Mikey Whipwreck.

Next up there were the Fan Ultimate Edition figures, which will be Amazon exclusives, first up they showed pictures of a Jeff Hardy, based on a 2008 look when he was on Smack Down, comes with the old WWE spinner belt and then we had a WM IX Hulk Hogan, complete with an extra head (3 heads in total) that had a black eye (will we ever know how he really got that black eye, hmmmm?). I never think these polls for the fans to vote are genuine, but I actually did vote for this one so, for this time, who cares if it's rigged.                                                                                                                                                                     ***** IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE ON THIS SITE PLEASE GET IN TOUCH, DETAILS AT THE END *****
Next, we had Ultimate Edition 10 pictures shown, and I have to be honest, I am not doing cartwheels over these for a couple of reasons. First, they are The Rock and John Cena, two figures we have had already in this line and this

is only series 10 and secondly, they are not ones I am interested in, a WM 22 Cena and a WM 29 Rock. On a side note, the world title that comes with Rock has Brahma Bull side plates. There are still people trying to track down the first Rock in this line which officially was an Amazon exclusive, without breaking the bank. That figure is so good I must say. And the first Cena isn't bad either. I'll prob get these still but as I said, not doing cartwheels over them, bit underwhelming following the Flair and Austin to a degree, ones coming out in series 9.

And to end up the announcements, it looks like they are bringing back the retros, not a line I am in to, but I know there are a lot of collectors that will be excited about this. Shown were renderings of Roddy Piper and Gene Okerland.

So guys, a lot of announcements, a lot to take in, what are YOU looking forward to the most?

Get in touch, click HERE to find links to my social media platforms.

Just want to put out there I used Kyle's video for reference putting this together so a big shout out to him, head over to his channel and subscribe, ALWAYS brings the great content.


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