Ranking the WWE Legends figures Part 3


Here we are with the third part of the series ranking the Legends figures from WWE/Mattel, today it will be series 6 and the Matty Collector figures.

As it turned out, this was the last series really of the original run but they went out with a bang, some real cracking figures in this set of 5.

We had the Ultimate Warrior based on his look from Wrestle Mania VI when he won the WWF world title from Hulk Hogan, came with a winged eagle world title belt but it had a yellow strap, of course, the day of that match, he was IC champion and that belt had a yellow strap (it was many years afterwards until we got an IC title with a yellow strap) so the world title belt with this should've had a black strap really as Hogan's belt was with a black strap, nit picking really, but hey. We had the figure re released some years later in the 'Lost Legends' series but there was a slight difference, the orange tape/strapping on his wrist was in a different order to the one on the original legends one, that's how you'll always be able to tell if you buy it loose if you have the original one or not. 

Also, we got Eddie Guerrero, this is a great figure, I believe it is getting a re release in the 'Vault' series. We did get it in Ultimate Edition form but wow, the torso was so big, looks ridiculous, definitely has to be displayed with the shirt on. The final 3 figures in this set were the Von Erich's, there was Kevin Von Erich and two versions of Kerry Von Erich, one with a long blue robe based on his look from his days in WCCW, Kerry once defeated Ric Flair for the NWA world title but only held it for a short while before losing it back to the 'Nature Boy' and the other version of Kerry in this set is as the Texas Tornado, which was how he was known in the WWF where he arrived in 1990. This figure is my favourite figure ever released by Mattel; I just think it's great. 

So here are my rankings 

5. Ultimate Warrior
4. Kevin Von Erich
3. Eddie Guerrero
2. Kerry Von Erich
1. Texas Tornado

Once these had finished, we had found out there were some others in the pipeline to be released but they were shelved then eventually picked up by the website Matty Collector dot com and they picked up, Andre the Giant, Diamond Dallas Page, King Kong Bundy, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard.

Andre is great, comes with a 5 o'clock shadow, there were others that looked similar that came out in subsequent years but this original one is best. The DDP also got a re release of sorts in the regular Elite line, hair was slightly a different colour and the band on the waist rather than blue like on this legends one was pink. The King Kong Bundy (just Bundy on the packaging I expect it was a copywright issue) very sought after, his only release from Mattel, I tried a long time to get it, eventually got it MOC but couldn't bring myself to open it and then was able to get a trade for a figure I knew I would be able to get elsewhere for nowhere near as much as it would be for Bundy, IF I could find one that is. I would then go on to sell the MOC Bundy, no idea if it was ever opened. The final two, Anderson/Blanchard, collectively known as the 'Brainbusters' in the WWF are great figs two, both came with WWF tag team title belts, I think the first time these belts came with any figures from Mattel. These figures got somewhat of a re release when they came with Ric Flair and Barry Windham in a hall of Fame 4 pack, the trunks on both though were different colours.

As you will see from the image here, it looks like Miss Elizabeth was coming out in that line too but that came out in the regular Elite line instead.


5. Diamond Dallas Page
4. Tully Blanchard
3. Arn Anderson
2. Andre The Giant
1. King Kong Bundy

That's it then guys, my reviews of the original run of Legends figures from Mattel, as aways, give me your thoughts and please share this blog with other wrestling figure collectors.

All my links can be found HERE


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