Mattel Ruthless Aggression Top 5

He we are again guys, another Top 5 list, you know the drill by now, I only include figures I have in my collection. There were 18  overall in this set, I have 8 of them.

Was an interesting concept when they were originally announced, I wasn't too sure what could possibly feature as I had zoned out of the WWE around the time of the Ruthless Aggression era, I did see bits here and there but I can't say I am a fountain of knowledge of the RA era. As an avid collector of JAKKS prior to Mattel I collected many RA figures and some did get a release in Mattel form with this Best of Ruthless Aggression series. So, from the 6 I have, here is my Top 5 - 

5. Booker T

So when the nWo came to the WWE in early 2002 it was Hogan, Hall & Nash, eventually, others would join and there was a stint where Booker T 'was a member' and this figure is based on that, he has the nWo tights underneath the removeable bottoms. I think it makes it into the list soley because it's quirky being the nWo version, wouldn't be in the list if not, in fact, I am sure they wouldn't have released it if he hadn't had that short nWo stint.

4. Shawn Michaels

I have all Shawn Michaels Elites/Ultimates and this one is decent, except the head scan, I am not a fan of it at all. Not the first time Michaels has had some questionable head scans, in fact, the one they used on the Defining Moments one last year was well ropey.

3. Rey Mysterio

Yes, Mysterio has had a lot of figures while Mattel have been producing figures for WWE but this one in white attire really pops, I like it a lot, one of my favourites of his overall. 

2. The Rock

Great figure this one, in Elite form, a real favourite figure of The Rock of mine. Based on the 'Rock Appreciation Night' from April 2003 as the WWE were building up to him against Goldberg at Backlash. 

1. Kevin Nash 

After we got Hogan, Hall and X-Pac in nWo WWE form from Mattel, I was hoping we'd get this Kevin Nash in this guise and it was great when it was announced, then it was just a case of waiting for it and then, when I finally received it, my one was off on the face printing, I was gutted. A few weeks ago on a figure facebook page I asked if someone had that head or figure for sale, thought it was a long shot but if you don't ask, you don't get and to my total surprise, some one had the figure which had a leg missing but the printing on the face was great so it was just a case of swapping the heads.

The other 3 I have are Rob Van Dam, JBL and Austin, the latter I only bought be cause I collect all Austin Elites, don't like it really but, well.

This series from Mattel had the very much sought after Eric Bischoff figure, prices, especially over here, I have not yet took the plunge on paying the prices that they are going for, I did buy the head off eBay and make a custom and basically made it an nWo one but as he looked a bit older I am not sure it really works. On a side note, I am really looking for the Ultimate Edition Bischoff that came with the Nitro ring so if you are selling one, hit me up.

So that's my list, do you agree, if not, let me know your Top 5, check out my links

All the best, Stu


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