Various News/opinions

This week Mattel Creations put up for sale the new Legends of the Territory Era 4 pack. This features 'Superstar' Billy Graham, 'Handsome' Harley Race. Muhammad Ali and Gorilla Monsoon. We have an influx in different lines, of Ali in recent months, I guess this is for them to get out as many as they can before the deal WWE/Mattel have with his estate expires but, although, people could be purchasing these for various reasons, the first time in the line belts, which are the WWWF belt with Graham and the NWA 'dome' title with Race or Graham/Race in those attires, some may even want Monsoon in wrestling gear as his only previous figure from Mattel was in his announcer attire, a very nice, sought after figure but I am guessing, there's not many who have bought this set thinking the Ali is a 'must have', if I am wrong, let me know. When i first saw the set I was thinking I would keep Race/Graham with the belts and sell the other two, now, I may keep the M...