My Top 10 WWE/Mattel Defining Moments Figures


I recently watched Kyle Peterson's video giving his top 10 Defining Moments figures from WWE/Mattel, had many of his top 10 in my list, maybe not in the same order but he did have some in his list I wouldn't and so, had some not in there that I would. 

Before I get onto my list, I urge you to check out Kyle's channel on YouTube, loads of wrestling content, Mattel/JAKKS mainly and other bits too and if you collect or are interested in action figures from other genres, he covers loads of them too, Marvel, Masters of The Universe and so on, HERE is a direct link to his channel

So, it's easy for me to pick a top 10 of DM figures, it's not so easy to put them in order, but I will try.

First off, the ones that just missed out on the top 10. It was hard to leave certain ones out but I want to stick to a top 10 list so I had to make these decisions. Razor Ramon, this was a great figure, all in purple with the IC title belt, wonderful figure. The Rock, Rock N Sock Connection, so this was Rock in soft goods street wear with added Rock N Sock jacket from the segment on RAW with Mankind. Triple H, again, soft goods street wear based on one of his many returns, I'll admit, I am not the biggest fan of how the 'denim' looks/fits on this one but overall, a good Defining Moment figure.

So, onto the top 10 list.

10 - Ultimate Warrior (WM VII) For years I have loved this figure and that's why it made the final 10 but in last place because I never thought the head scan was too great but it was from a moment in his career that still lives in the memory today, one of Warrior's better matches. Of course, we have now had an Ultimate Edition figure based on that time too, slightly better as it has more accessories along with the UE articulation but I am still not happy with either of the heads in comes with to be honest. 

09 - Hulk Hogan (WM III) If you follow me on social media (links at the end) you will see I have a collection of Hogan Elite/Ultimate figures, from what has been released I am just waiting for the latest Elite based on his match with the Rock at WM X8, so back to this one, I believe this was my first Hogan figure when I started collecting Mattel figures. It's the ONLY figure that comes with that '87' world title belt and WM III was a show on an epic scale, OK, there may not have been over 93,000 fans there but it was helluva big crowd and although Hogan/Andre was the main event as a match it wasn't great, we had that in the Randy Savage/Ricky Steamboat IC title match.

08 - Sting (Crow) Sting was, for many years a clean-cut fan favourite with his bleach blond crewcut with rats tail, his bright ring wear and of course, his face paint but 1996 he started to move away from that look, he kept the colours and the face paint but grew his hair out so it lost it blond colour and then he developed the crow look based on Brandon Lee's character in the 1994 film of the same name, apparently, Scott Hall is the one who suggested Sting should go down the road of The Crow gimmick. Although a plain figure, which is obvious because of the character, it is a favourite of many, comes with a trench coat and of course, a baseball bat. We were due to get another version of the Crow Sting in series 7 of the Legends figures but Sting's legend contract expired and he couldn't work out a new one with WWE and that means Mattel can't release the figure. One day hopefully, he's in AEW at the moment as we know.

07 - Steve Austin (Street Wear) based on a RAW appearance from March 1999, this Austin (his first of 2 in the DM line) is great. has a soft goods camo jacket, his Austin 3:16 t shirt, baseball cap and gold chain. Another quite sought-after figure, it really is quite cool.

06 - Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat (The Dragon) After a great run in the WWF in the mid-80's which of course was topped off with the earlier mentioned show stealing match at WM III against Randy Savage, Steamboat would eventually see himself back in the NWA and he had an amazing trio of matches (many more too) in 1989 with Ric Flair which saw the world title go from Flair to Steamboat, a classic 2/3 falls defence and then the title go back to Flair for a 6th time Steamboat would eventually end up back in the WWF by 1991 but this time he was looking a bit different, he was looking like he does in his Defining Moments figure. Although not actually a 'defining moment' as such, the figure itself is very toyetic and makes for a great collection piece. For some reason, once I was talked into selling mine but it took me a while to do it but I got one back in the collection where it still remains.

05 - Shawn Michaels (WM XXV) Many say the match Michaels had with Undertaker at this WM is the greatest WM ever. Now, I watched it some years afterwards, thought it was a good match but thought it was not as good as what I had been told, I suppose due to the fact of the great wrestling I was watching at the time which wasn't WWE, it had to be exceptional to impress me. I don't like Michaels the person, not going into that here but he is one of a few I collect ALL his Elite/Ultimate figures that get released and this one is superb for me.

04 - Ric Flair (Butterfly Robe) This version of Ric Flair is the quintessential Ric Flair for me, of course it's the look he had when he debuted on WWF TV back in 1991, Prime Time Wrestling I believe it was, the 'Big Gold' belt had been there a couple of weeks earlier and was being shown off by Bobby Heenen as he said it belonged to the "real worlds champion". It never quite worked out for Flair in the WWF at that time, yes, he won the 1992 Royal Rumble and the title in the same match as it was declared vacant (Flair had originally cost Hulk Hogan the title to Undertaker at Survivor Series 1991, while wearing the butterfly robe) we never got the big Wrestle Mania match with him and Hogan although they did work together a number of times while in the WWF and drew quite good houses but apparently the powers that be didn't think they 'clicked' so of course at WM XVIII Flair faced Savage and Hogan faced Sid Justice. Outstanding figure, I had a JAKKS version of it at one point which I treasured because it wasn't cheap.

03 - 'Macho Man' Randy Savage (WM VII) We have had the Ultimate Warrior from that match on this list and here is the other one. This Savage figure is just amazing, could've been number 2 in my list, when Mattel first got the licence to make figures on behalf of WWE, Savage himself announced it as the first Defining Moment figure, watch the video HERE. It was a great match and the figure itself is just outstanding, he has had many Elite figures and I think 3 Ultimate Edition figures but i think this is my favourite of his. I have all of his Elite/UE figures, except, like with the Hogan from WM X8, I'm waiting on his one in the latest WM set based on his WM VI match with Dusty Rhodes which of course is also in that set.

02 - The Undertaker (Survivor Series 1996) Based on his epic entrance as he descended from the rafters of Madison Square Garden, this Undertaker is outstanding. He's had MANY Elite figures but this one is by far his best. Having the wings too just puts it at the top of the tree of Undertaker figures and second in my top 10 list.

01 - Bret 'Hitman' Hart (Canadian Stampede) What can I say, amazing figure, clad with jacket, world title and Canadian flag (I need this flag), also very similar to his look from the Survivor Series of the same year, 1997 but maybe they thought it was insensitive putting that on the packaging rather than Canadian Stampede. Bret Hart Mattel/Elites, like with Hogan, Savage & Michaels, I have all released so far and this is the best one, for the jacket if nothing else.

So that's my list, what is yours? Also, have a look at Kyle's video too, see what you think.

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