A look at Scott Hall/Razor Ramon Elite Figures

We have recently seen the unfortunate passing of Scott Hall and while WWE have had their deal with Mattel, there have been numerous figures released in the Elite style line of Hall under that guise and his previous one of Razor Ramon so lets have a look at what has been released.

One of the earliest ones was Defining Moments one of Razor Ramon. Decked out in purple and it came with the Intercontinental title, it's a very nice figure overall, and it's based on the look he had when he teamed with Ric Flair to take on Randy Savage & Mr. Perfect at Survivor Series 1992.

Another early one was a Ringside Exclusive one and it was as Hall from the WCW days as one of the 'Outsiders'. Has the same head scan as the previous release but as it is a WCW one based on his second stint, he is decked out in the black and white. It comes with an entrance vest and sleeveless nWo shirt, rubber of course.

In Elite series 51 we had another Hall figure from WCW and this time in was the black & red gear, also came with sunglasses, a spray can and other than the entrance vest a sleeveless nWo t shirt as previously.

There was a 4 pack set under the title of 'Nitro Notables' that featured Hall, Kevin Nash and Eddie Guerrero in street clothes and Larry Zbysko in wrestling gear. This is the only Elite style Hall (and Nash) I don't own myself. 

In the Flashback series they released another Razor Ramon this time in street clothes based on his time when either doing the vignettes prior to coming to the WWF or when he used to do in-ring interviews on RAW back in the day.

Mattel released a Wrestle Mania set and it featured a Scott Hall based on his look from WM X8 where he faced Steve Austin shortly after the nWo of Hall, Nash & Hogan came into the WWE.

When the Legends series retuned with series 7 in 2020, it featured a Razor Ramon in blue ring gear, same head scan as the original Defining Moments Ramon.

And the final one we have had so far came out in a recent Legends series, 11 to be exact and features Hall again from the WCW days it's one of, if not, my favourite one of all his figures. It features a cloth nWo 'Wolfpac' vest, bandana which is tied at the front and it comes with a mixture of hands including the 'too sweet' ones and the trademark Razor/Hall hands with thumbs pointing at himself. 

So, I think that is it for all Elite style Hall/Razor figures, what is your favourite from all of these?

I wonder if we will get an Ultimate Edition Hall or Razor, that would be great, I recall reading a while back there maybe a Diesel UE coming out, would be great if there was a Razor too.

Thanks for reading, let me know what your favourite Razor/Hall figures are and what would you like to get in your collection you don’t already have.

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