Kevin Nash/Diesel Figures - My Top 5 Elite

Hey all, it's been a while it feels, Covid-19 has attacked the household so all I can say guys is stay safe out there, shame others here didn't listen to me, if your eligable for a vaccine, please get one and the second when you can, I don't want to preach I just want you all to be safe.

So as you can see by the title, this will be about my top 5 Kevin Nash/Diesel Elite figures realeased by Mattel, he hasn't had too many, but enough to make this list.

He has been at the forefront of figure news recently as he was the first figure (Ultimate Edition style) announced with the Mattel Creations project of releasing a real scale New Generation ring and L.E.D. entrance. For this the project has to get 5,000 backers, if it gets 7,000 there will also be a Doink The Clown Ultimate Edition figure and 8,000 sees some retro ring skirts being thrown in including In Your House ones, strangely enough, one of my favourite WWF matches was at a IYH event and featured Diesel (IYH 7, No Holds Barred vs Shawn Michaels). I have backed this project but that was after they announced that anyone that backs it before 13/8 will also get a Macho Man Randy Savage UE figure based on his look from Wrestle Mania X. Also, they will include some other bits, microphones, headsets and an announce table from around the New Generation time which basically was just a table with a blue cloth over it with some monitors. As I said, 13/8 is the cut-off to get Savage included but overall, 22/8 is the ending date, there has to be at least 5,000 backers by then, as of typing this, we are at 2,110 with 14 days to go. If you want to back this, the price point is $250 plus shipping, they don't take the money straight away, it's just a pending order and will be taken if/when they reach the target. HERE is a link to the Mattel Creations page where you can back it yourself if you wish. If this is successful I am sure they will do more things in the future.

Onto my top 5 Kevin Nash/Diesel Elite Figures.

At 5 I have the Network Spotlight Diesel, this was basically just a repaint of the Elite 16 one. It's a fine Diesel figure and if you don't have one in your collection this would be a great addition but it makes number 5 in my list.

Network Spotlight Diesel

At 4 is one that may shock a few figure collectors, it's the Ringside Collectables Exclusive Kevin Nash in the Wolfpack colours. A fine figure but what really let's it down for me is the headscan, you can see it pictured, it has the pontail look, not one I am keen on at all. When I got mine, I had to to do a headswap from a basic figure, many others have done this too, not the same head, some use a blond hair one whereas mine has a darker look. I actually traded my original one to a guy who had a figure I really wanted (a loose Legends series Bundy) I knew I would be able to get this Nash a hell of a lot easier than that Bundy so couldn't pass up on it and I did get the Nash again a couple of weeks after trading him.

RSC Exclusive Nash

At 3 I have the Elite 16 Diesel which I mentioned earlier, it's the only Diesel that sees him come with a grey singlet, I have it nright in the middle of my list as I was a bit of a fan of Diesel to be honest and when I started to collect Mattel figures this was one I wanted to trackdown, bear in mind, my first Mattel figure was from series 40 so it was some work to try and get this one, not as hard as the next figure in the list though.

Elite 16 Diesel

At 2 I have another release from Elite 16 and this one is Kevin Nash as one of the Outsiders, I believe it's based on the gear he was wearing at Bash At The Beach 1996, the infamous night where the nWo was formed along with Scott Hall and of course Hulk Hogan who turned from being a huge fan favourite to a hated villain alligning himself with the invaders from New York. This was very hard to obtain, I still see chatter online of people who want this figure and when they do see it available it's too expensive for most.

Elite 16 Nash


Before I get to number 1, he has another Elite figure on the way in the Legends line, a real good looking figure again, from his WCW days also, there is one Nash Elite figure I don't have, haven't gone mad trying to get it but if it was offered I'd pick it up, it was from a 4 pack called the Nitro Notables, also in the pack was Hall, Eddie Guerrero and Larry Zbysko, he is the only one I have from the set as it's his only Mattel figure and the only one out the 4 in wrestling gear too.

Back to the list, at 1 I have the Hall of Fame Diesel figure, comes with the shorter hair and it's my favourite one of his released in Elite form by Mattel. Has an IC title included as this is the time period it's based on, I want to say spring of 1994. A real good figure in my opinion and that's all it is, an opinion. Let me know what you think of my list and give me your own wether you own them or not.

Hall of Fame Diesel

That's it then folks, click on THIS link to find my social media channels etc and way to support, until next time, see ya.


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