WWE/Mattel Ultimate Editions - A Follow Up

I have written previously about the Ultimate Edition figures; you can find that piece HERE but with new ones being released since I wrote that and images of future ones hitting the interwebs, I thought I'd do another piece.

The Ultimate Edition line is a great line from Mattel, many had reservations due to the higher price point and figure wise the change in the bodies from the Elite look however, overall, the figures are amazing and there are still people trying to get hold of the older ones. As a prominent Youtuber said, people are collecting a loose and MOC figure of each released thinking they may go the way of the Defining Moment line which even though some have been in clearance sections in their times, are very sought after.

Of course, I like doing Top 5 lists, mainly of one particular wrestler in Elite form plus Ultimate Edition form if said wrestler has had one. The last 2 lists I compiled (Ric Flair/Ultimate Warrior) both featured their UE figures.

The Ultimate Edition figures have been big in the wrestling figure news lately, images have been released of the upcoming Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy ones. Both look great I may add even if Hardy does look a tad too jacked. 
Also, the next ones to be released, I THINK, are John Cena & The Rock, now both have had UE releases before, and both were very good. The Rock one is very sought after. It was quite funny; well, I guess not if you were one of the people that received one, a lot of the UE Rock figures instead of having a Brahma Bull shirt had a I'm Your Papi one that you would associate with Eddie Guerrero, can't wait until he finally gets an Ultimate Edition figure. Anyway yes, The Rock is very sought after, and is based on his look around the Attitude Era. Now, the next ones to be released I believe are the Rock and Cena ones and for me personally, they pale in comparison to the ones that have already been released. I will still get them as I collect all the male Ultimate Edition figures.
So, since I wrote that last piece, I have received 4 new Ultimate Edition figures, these are Series 8 Edge and 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and Series 9 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin & 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair. When I first saw the Edge and Savage images I have to say, I wasn't blown away, even less with Edge as I've never been a fan of him as an actual wrestler, but with all that taken into account, when I did get them in hand I was quite impressed.
Series 9, as stated, was Austin & Flair, they have tried to do what they can with the Austin, we all know there was nothing dramatic about his ring attire, they've given him an Austin 3:16 shirt, with no velcrow, his ring entrance vest, a baseball cap, as well as a blue/purple strapped Attitude Era world title last seen on the Amazon Exclusive Best of Attitude Era Austin.

Series 10 will see, as mentioned above, Rock and Cena, no official released images but some leaked ones did appear on Instagram.
There have been some images of
the Fan Takeover Ultimate Edition figures and they look AMAZING. They have a few issues though, the Hardy is as I spoke about earlier, is a bit jacked, and the Hogan has a bit of mouled beard which he didn't have when this figure was based, Wrestle Mania IX. I guess it's a case of them reusing the head sculps from the Hollywood Hogan one. Being Amazon exclusives it will make them a pain for us here in the UK to pick them up but I really must have them.
And finally, there will be a SDCC Exclusives (also available from Mattel Creations) and it will be a Sgt Slaughter figure, there will be two of them, the difference being the packaging.

OK guys, I'm out, don't forget to check out Wrestling Trader as they have a wide range of wrestling figures from both WWE/Mattel and AEW/JazzWares.

All my social media channels can be located HERE where you can also find ways of supporting the site.

Until next time.....


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