WWE/Mattel Ultimate Editions - A Follow Up

I have written previously about the Ultimate Edition figures; you can find that piece HERE but with new ones being released since I wrote that and images of future ones hitting the interwebs, I thought I'd do another piece. The Ultimate Edition line is a great line from Mattel, many had reservations due to the higher price point and figure wise the change in the bodies from the Elite look however, overall, the figures are amazing and there are still people trying to get hold of the older ones. As a prominent Youtuber said, people are collecting a loose and MOC figure of each released thinking they may go the way of the Defining Moment line which even though some have been in clearance sections in their times, are very sought after. Of course, I like doing Top 5 lists, mainly of one particular wrestler in Elite form plus Ultimate Edition form if said wrestler has had one. The last 2 lists I compiled (Ric Flair/Ultimate Warrior) both featured their UE figures. The Ultimate Edition fi...