Ringside Collectibles Exclusives (WWE/Mattel) Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of my look at RSC exclusive figures, I hope you have read part one, if however you missed it, you can find it HERE

So we're now in 2017 and I'll start off with a challenging one. I say challenging because I was always led to believe this figure was actually a Gamestop exclusive but various people have said to me over the last couple of the years when I have been trying to complete a checklist of RSC exclusive figures that the 'You Made the List' Chris Jericho (Left) is actually a RSC exclusive. TBH, I don't worry about that anymore, I have the figure actually ordered direct from them as it's such a great looking figure it really is. Some time later they released a version of it in the normal Elite line but the scan of that one was NOWHERE near the one on the one you can see pictured here, which is outstanding.

Next up we have the first non painted Finn Balor figure. I was chuffed to say the least when the first Demon figure came out and when this one was announced I was equally as pleased just annoyed it was exclusive to RSC.

We have another Macho Man, again from his WCW days and again it's nWo Wolfpack one (Below), I had written about Kevin Nash and Sting in part 1. Very good figure, I have all Savage's Elite figures, not sure why, was never a massive fan of him when he was wrestling, had some great matches, the ones with Ricky Steamboat at Wrestle Mania III and The Ultimate Warrior at Wrestle Mania VII are the obvious standouts.

Then we have a figure I am still yet to obtain, Shane McMahon. This one is based on his King of The Ring match with Kurt Angle from 2001. It never really jumped out at me so never pursued it but now I want all the RSC eclusive figures and this is one of the handfull I need.

And the final one we have from 2017 is Shawn Michaels in his DX attire (Below). I do have this one, I actually won it from the guys at the Fully Poseable Podcast - Like many of these figures, this one is a very good one, Michaels is another one where I am trying to get all his Elite figures, need just the two (Walgreens exclusive one, mid-2000's DX and the Ghostbusters crossover one)

Into 2018 now, this year saw one of the very best RSC exclusive figures and one of the absolute worse and would NEVER be in my collection unless I was trying to complete the whole range of them, I'll leave that until the end. So the great one first, Bret Hart (Below) based on his win at the 1993 King Of The Ring, comes with a crown, sceptre and cape, albeit rubber. Great display piece this one. Bret is another I have all of his Elite figures of. 

We also got a Brian Kendrick figure, not quite sure it warranted being a RSC exclusive figure, maybe as they don't get made in the volume of normal Elite figures it was put out as an exclusive rather than shelf warm, I honestly don't know. It's an OK figure, in the 5 or 6 out of 10 range.

There was a Matt Hardy based on his run in the WWE's version of ECW. This figure comes with the other version of the ECW title not the one that came with CM Punk mentioned in part 1. I know it's the only figure that came with this belt, the belt may have come out with other belts in belt packs that Mattel released again, exclusive to RSC I believe. Not a great figure overall but not as bad as this next one.

So, the worse RSC exclusive figure by a country mile, please, get in touch and let me know if you disagree but the figure in question is Kurt Angle as a member of The Sheild, seriously, it's just a Shield figure with a Kurt Angle head on. Yes, The Shield were hot property for a while and Angle stepped in to make up the numbers once but, WOW, just so poor, really would've been a shelf warmer if it went to stores.

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Into 2019, I have 2 from the 3 released in 2019, so I have an Andrade that was released in a box that all the NXT series figures came out in, over here in the UK they were exclusive to Argos. Not 100% sure what happened here, maybe the figure was produced and then they decided to scrap the NXT line so it was made a RSC exclusive, from what I have read online it didn't come with the RSC exclusive sticker on the box, I should know this as mine was brand new in box when I got it. The figure came with a hat and NXT heavyweight title. He had another figure released in the regular Elite line which is just outstanding. He'll probably not get another figure as he has recently been released from the company.

We also got, for the fist time in the RSC exclusive line a two pack of figures and these were the Hardy Boyz (Right) based on when they were in The Brood. Great looking figures complete with WWF/E tag team titles.

And finally, The Undertaker as Kane. Yes based on an angle when Undertaker dressed as Kane this one looks the part but I just haven't pulled the trigger on it yet, looking for the right deal.

2020 just saw three releases and the first is Edge which comes with 2 extra heads but they are not his heads, they are the Edge Heads haha. The heads are those of Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins when they portrayed Edge's lackys the Edge Heads. I guess there are some collectors who have bought 3 of these figures to have all of them complete.

Another one of 2020 was WALTER (Below), this was one I ordered direct from RSC, mistake that was, took ages to get here, I got the obligitory customs charge, OK, some people get lucky and don't get a charge, but every time I do order from them, I get the charge. And when it did arrive it had paint on the chest/stomach area and the best is yet to come, it has TWO LEFT FEET, you couldn't make it up.

And the final one is the Bray Wyatt Firefly Funhouse that comes with his puppets etc.

Two more scheduled to come out soon are John Cena in nWo gear, I don't watch the product so can't talk to what this is about. Also due out which I have on pre-order from a UK seller is The Ultimate Warrior based on his Wrestle Mania XII and it looks outstanding which you can see pictured.

Thanks for reading, does your favourite RSC exclusive feature in part 2 or was it in part 1, let me know.

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