
Showing posts from February, 2022

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts Mattel Elite Figures

Hello all, on previous blogs I have written about how Mattel have released Jake 'The Snake' Roberts figures, not once but twice in the Legends line since they brought it back, and that meant 4 figures, yes, Jake had numerous attires throughout his career so you can sort of see why they chose to release multiple Roberts figures.   Legends Series 2   On this blog I will talk about the ones throughout their licence they have released in Elite form of Jake. The first one was in the original Legends run, in fact it was Legends series 2, as you can see by the picture, it literally was fire, a brilliant figure.   All-Stars The next release I believe was in the All-Stars range which saw Jake come in a 2 pack along with Randy Orton. When the Flashback line was going, we got a different type of Roberts, it was based on his look from King Of The Ring 96 when he faced Steve Austin, you know, the famous "Austin 3:16" speech. A very different Jake from what we h...

Looking at the Most Recent WWE/Mattel Reveals

A bit late but I thought I'd write about the new reveals. As always, I look for images of the forthcoming Legends series and I must say, I am not overly impressed. I just don't think they are really going down the 'legends' route, I know they can only produce figures of people who are under legends contracts but still, there have been some questionable releases in previous series not just these new ones. For example, since the Legends returned with series 7, taking into account we are only up to series 13 in stores as it stands we have had Jake 'The Snake' Roberts release twice already (he was in the original run of Legends too) and that means 4 figures as both times we have had Roberts since they returned he has been the chase figure. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Roberts' figures, I have all 7 that have been released in Elite form but I just think it's lazy on their part. Anyway, rant over, well that one. Onto the reve...