My Top 10 Ultimate Edition Figures List

Hi all, welcome back, and if it's your first time here, thanks for giving it a read. It has been a while since I last wrote a blog, apologies for that. We are coming to the end of the year, and a lot of people will be doing posts, blogs and videos on their favourite figures of the year, I won't do that but since I last wrote about the Ultimate Editions many more have been released so I want to do a top list of my favourite UE's, don't forget, the list can't be wrong because it's MY list, you may agree but chances are, you'll disagree, which is fine, it's all about opinions, feel free to let me know wherever you see this posted on social media what your choices of the top UE figures are to date. Anyone that has been following me for a while will know that I don't include figures in my lists so as it stands right now, I don't have CM Punk or The Steiners and from the last set that had a general release as such (Dominik Mysterio, L.A Knight and Rey ...