My Top 10 WWE Mattel Legends Series List

Hi all, welcome back, it's been a while. For those who have been following me for a while, you will know the Legends line is my favourite line. By the time I started to collect Mattel figures, the Legends series has ended. Some time back I did a blog or two talking about the Legends line, if you use the search function you may be able to find them. So, as we know, after the original run of Legends figures came to an end and the Matty Collector ones had been released as online exclusives there was quite a number of years before Mattel brought the life back to life. The first series upon their return was series 7, this is the image you can see above, but, Sting’s deal with the WWE expired and this was not released, time will tell if it will be in the future. Not all Legends figures have been hits, some have been questionable and, although outfits have changed, we have had the same characters appear more than once and Mattel release a chase figure of one in each line too. I will now l...