Getting out the game

It's with a heavy heart that I have to announce I am getting out of the collecting game. I have a son I have to get through university and funds need to come from somewhere and it ismy wrestling figure collection that will be sacrificed. I have been an action figure collector for a long time, I started with Star Wars, well I say started with Star Wars, those were the figures I got into as a kid to play with rather than as a collector of course. I would go on to get into a whole host of figure lines but I really became a collector where I displayed figures with the JAKKS line, from the RA/AD line but mainly the Classic Superstars. When JAKKS lost the line, I vowed to get out then and not get into Mattel when they took over the licence and then Sami Zayn got his first Elite figure and as a figure collector and big fan of the indies I thought I'd pick it up and that was it, I was off to the races. It then became somewhat of an obsession and I quickly took a liking to the Legend...