My Top 5 Hulk Hogan Mattel Elite/Ultimate Edition Style Figures

Welcome back everyone, hope you have all been well. As you can see by the title, I am doing my top 5 Mattel Hulk Hogan list today. Inspired by Kyle Peterson's recent Top 10 overall Hulk Hogan figures list (find it on YouTube) I thought I would do this list. As you will know, I always do top 5's, I would do a top 10 but he hasn't had enough Elite style ones. I will also include his first Ultimate Edition too, as it stands, no one has his second Ultimate Edition and I don't have the recent Elite that came out in the Survivor Series line, I will pick it up despite the weird scan (much like the Bret Hart one in the same series). I will say, sorry for the spoilers if you have not watched it yet, Kyle had in his top 10 the original Storm Collectibles Hollywood Hogan which I do have and displayed with my Elite figures, but my list as previously stated, will be just Elite figures. So, onto my top 5 list. From what I could see, and I should know because I have them all, the ne...