An Introduction

Welcome to my first blog on wrestling figures. A little history on myself as far as figure collecting goes first. I got into wrestling in 1990 and that was also the year Hasbro released their line of WWF figures, it was just before Summer Slam of that year when we first got SKY TV and I became hooked on the wackiness that is pro wrestling. Based on Summer Slam, the first 2 figures I bought were Hasbro Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude and this set me on a path I have not been able to deviate from to this day. I collected a LOT of Hasbro's and also Galoob's WCW figures. What is strange though is I didn't ever find the UK exclusive Galoob's, I didn't even know about them until years later. As time went on, the Hasbro line ended and JAKKS took over the deal to make and distribute WWF figures. I had a lot of the early JAKKS figures but have to say, wasn't the biggest fan. When JAKKS released the RA style figures that we with associate with the Ruthless Aggression/Adre...