My Top 15 Elite Style Figures of 2023

Hi all, back again with another blog and another list, the top, in my opinion, 15 Elite style figures of the year that is 2023. I only include figures I actually own in these lists so lets get going. So, I had to have a think about this and I don't mean the choices but which figures to consider. So, you have the regular Elite line plus the PPV series, so they will feature, also, we saw the Defining Moments figures return this year but where I was torn was whether to include the figures from the Legends series, we have had 4 sets this year, probably 20 figures or so, but I think I will leave them for a separate blog. Just before we start, I don't collect full Elite waves, I literally only pick a few of them, sometimes only a single one. 15. Stardust (Elite 103) - I have never owned any of the previous Stardust figures and at first, I wasn't going to get this one but I opted for it in the end. Good figure, I think I may have heard the other day that it isn't a new head s...